May 14th is International Chihuahua Appreciation Day!

Don’t forget to share this post with someone you love 


International Chihuahua Appreciation Day (ICAD) is not connected to any government-sanctioned holiday or day. Rather, ICAD is an internet-driven “pet holiday”. What does that mean? It means that WWW (World-Wide-Web) algorithms are responsible for it becoming a pet holiday worldwide, but the real credit goes to Nadia Alteria. Keep reading to learn why Nadia and her little dog Teaka are the true beginning of International Chihuahua Appreciation Day.


Algorithms are what the World Wide Web robots use to arrive at an actual number of times a certain person, place, or thing is mentioned on all the different social media platforms. — See, sometimes it pays to watch The Big Bang Theory.

No one has actually seen the little buggers, but we think they look something like this


I have read on other websites that International Chihuahua Appreciation day began in 2016 and they say it is simply because of the above-mentioned little robots. However, although these little robots may have noticed it in 2016, the truth is that it began on Nadia Alterio’s website, Famous Chihuahua on May 14, 2010, when she declared it to be International Chihuahua Appreciation Day in honor of her little Chi, Teaka. I have the privilege of knowing Nadia and know this to be the actual beginning of International Chihuahua Appreciation Day.

Nadia & her Chihuahua Teaka started it all

When Nadia declared it to be International Chihuahua Appreciation Day, it was meant to be in appreciation of her little Chihuahua Teaka as the inspiration for her website— My Chico was the inspiration of this website in July 2016—May 14th was little Teaka’s birthday. It has since gone “viral” and it gets shared every May 14th on social media around the world.

Little Teaka is no longer with us, but what a wonderful legacy this “Famous Chihuahua” has left behind! Now on May 14th every year people show their appreciation for their Chihuahuas and share it with the world!

I believe that the world should know how this day of Chihuahua appreciation really started and that they should know that it began with Nadia and her little dog Teaka!

So, as you show your little Chi love and appreciation on May 14th this year, think of little Teaka and the legacy of love that Teaka left behind!

how to celebrate international chihuahua appreciation day


The very first thing you want to do is share the heck out of it on social media. Start your own witty little notice and share with all your hundreds of friends, or 10 friends if you only allow your closest 10 friends to be a part of your circle, they probably aren’t as discretionary as you are and have hundreds or thousands “close” friends that will share with their hundreds or thousands of friends, and so on and so on, scooby dooby dooby (disclaimer: you have to be over 30 to understand the humor of this).

Share even while you are at work, this is important and no one will know. (But, if you get caught, I will refuse to take responsibility for it. I watch the news and I see how those politicians do it.)

have a party!

Invite all your friends with Chihuahuas. Let’s be inclusive, and invite all your friends with any small breed to come to celebrate International Chihuahua Appreciation Day with you. If you want to invite friends with larger breeds, just be ready for the chaos. Put the dogs in an enclosed area and play with them. Play fetch, and chase them around the area. Just do what doggies love.

Be a party animal!

Ask the attendees to donate to a Chihuahua rescue. As a general rule, dogs don’t have a lot of money, so when I say attendees, I mean the human ones. (psst, you can donate to one of my favorite Chihuahua rescue organizations now 👇)

Share every single mention of an ICAD post that comes across your feed. So, round and round and round it goes until the socks are knocked off those pesky little robots’ feet — do they even make socks that small? — Does that sound like too much work? Tough! You are a determined Chihuahua mom or dad! Ok, maybe that’s just me. But, please do what you can to help the cause. Don’t forget to think about little Teaka and tell all your friends that little Teaka is the true inspiration for International Chihuahua Appreciation Day!

do what i do

Want to know what I do? I share, of course. Several times a day on all social media platforms. The rest of the day, I make sure that they all four have a nice walk in a different area than usual (new yummy smells!), and then I spend the entire day just lavishing my fab-4 amigos with lots and lots of extra love.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, or not celebrate, just don’t forget to share! Let’s make this year the BEST INTERNATIONAL CHIHUAHUA APPRECIATION DAY EVER!


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[…] holidays highlight the special characteristics of particular dog breeds, like National Chihuahua Day, that celebrates the little dog with a big personality. Chihuahuas are good company all year round, […]

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