Your Chihuahua’s safety should be your utmost concern all year long, but Fall/Autumn has some unique hazards for your Chihuahua you may not have even thought of. Halloween is not the only threat to their safety this time of the year!
Here are 10 Safety Tips For Dogs To Heed Every Fall. Bookmark this post so you will be able to return to it for reference every Fall.
1. Beware of Antifreeze!
The number one fall safety tip for dogs that I can give you is to beware of antifreeze! Fall is when you and your neighbors begin to winterize your automobiles by adding antifreeze to the car engine. Ingesting antifreeze is absolutely deadly to your Chihuahua (all dogs & cats). Antifreeze has a sweet taste that dogs are attracted to. Check your car for leaks and make sure that all containers of antifreeze are stored far far away from your pets!
2. Keep Your Chihuahua Warm

In some places as soon as it turns One of the most important fall safety tips is keeping them warm. Fall the temperature starts dropping. It is important that you keep your Chihuahua warm. Even in the house, don’t forget the cold falls. Your Chihuahua is closer to the ground than you are while you may be perfectly comfortable, your Chihuahua could be quite cold.
3. Watch For Poisonous Mushrooms
Fall is the time for mushrooms to grow. Even if you don’t have any in your yard, they may pop up on your usual walking route. Most mushrooms are safe for your Chihuahua, however, it’s not worth the risk, so keep him away from any mushrooms. Always supervise him while on walks or whenever he may be off-leash. If you suspect he has eaten one take a photo of the mushroom and call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435)
4. Watch For Ticks
Another fall safety tip for dogs is to watch for ticks! The end of summer doesn’t necessarily mean the end of ticks. Ticks are capable of surviving winter temperatures when they are able to find a host to feed on or a warm location to hide in during the coldest weather months. Generally, adult ticks will still be a threat when temperatures hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Whenever your Chihuahua has been outdoors, especially in wooded areas be sure to check for ticks. Using natural flea & tick repellents means that you not putting any toxins and pesticides in your Chihuahua’s body.
5. Be Alert To The Wildlife In Your Area

Fall is when you see more wildlife out and about preparing for the winter. These include skunks, bears, and snakes. When walking in wooded areas be on the lookout for wildlife and keep your distance! If you live in an area where there are venomous snakes it may be a very good idea to keep your Chihuahua on a leash at all times while outdoors.
6. An Important Fall Safety Tip For Dogs Is To Light His Way
As the days get shorter it gets darker earlier. More than likely you will be walking your Chihuahua in the dark during the fall and winter months. Now is the time to begin thinking about investing in reflective leashes, collars, and jackets. You will want to wear reflective clothing to maximize the ability to be seen in the dark.
You should never walk your Chihuahua without a harness to protect their delicate neck and back. So be sure you also have a reflective harness.
7. Cooler Weather Means Stiffer Joints
Just like people, dogs with arthritis and other joint issues begin to experience more pain and discomfort when the temperature begins to drop. Dogs may be suffering without your noticing so watch for the signs like limping or a reluctance to walk or use the stairs. If your Chihuahua whimpers when he moves it’s time to take him to the veterinarian. Some natural supplements like glucosamine and other holistic support may help tremendously
It’s typical for dogs with arthritis or other joint problems to experience more discomfort once the temperature drops. Keep an eye out for signs such as limping and reluctance to exercise. If your dog is whimpering when he moves, it’s time to seek help from your veterinarian. Ask about giving your dog a glucosamine supplement, which can help ease inflammation around your dog’s joints.
8. Watch For Signs Of Fall Allergies

Fall can be difficult for humans and Chihuahuas alike when it comes to allergies. Allergies are very common in Chihuahuas and seasonal allergies can be difficult to treat. The first step is to avoid allergens as much as you can, especially if you know what is causing your Chihuahua’s allergies.
Common causes of fall allergies in dogs are plants such as sagebrush, pigweed, goldenrod, lamb’s quarters, curly dock, and other plants that release pollen. Common signs of fall allergies are:
- Nasal and eye discharge
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Scratching, licking or chewing paws and elsewhere
- Fur loss or tear stains for light colored fur
9. A Change In Weather May Mean A Change In Diet

Fall is a good time of the year to re-think your Chihuahua’s diet. Now that the air is fresh you might consider a healthier fresh diet. He may need more protein and more calories. Are you sure he is getting all the nutrients that he needs to keep him healthy and at a healthy weight? You can find answers to these questions by talking to your veterinarian or to a canine nutrition specialist.
10. Don’t Forget About His Paws!
The last of our fall safety tips for dogs is all about the paws! Now is a good time to think about your Chihuahua’s paws. In a few months, there will be ice, snow, and salt on the sidewalks and roads. Your Chihuahua’s paws are much more sensitive than you may think. Year-round protection is the key to keeping his paws in good condition. Doggie booties are popular for Chihuahuas and aren’t they adorable? A good idea is to use natural products on your Chihuahua’s paws like Musher’s Secret Paw Protection Balm. Musher’s is one of the best you can buy in my opinion.
Conclusion To Our Fall Safety Tips For Dogs
Check your yard daily to make sure it’s safe for your Chihuahua. Clean up any seeds or stems that have fallen from trees because some of these can be toxic to your dog. Check your fencing to make sure no holes have appeared or that your neighbors’ dog(s) hasn’t dug a hole big enough for your Chihuahua to get through.
Be sure to bookmark this list for handy reference all year long. You can check out these fun fall activities that you can enjoy with your Chihuahua. Have a fun and SAFE fall!