10 Surprising Reasons Your Chihuahua Loves Fall

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If you are a regular reader of my blog, then it has been established that fall or autumn is my favorite time of the year! I’m not alone either. Nearly everyone I asked said fall was their favorite time of the year too. Would it surprise you to know that your Chihuahua loves fall too?

What is it about fall that we love? Cool, crisp air? Choosing a perfect pumpkin at a pumpkin patch? Fun fall corn mazes? Beautiful fall colors? Those are a few of my reasons, what do you love most about fall? Tell us in the comments below. 👇

cream chihuahua wearing an orange jacket standing with front paws on a pumpkin, looking at the camera fall background with lake in far distance

Although your Chihuahua may not recognize that it is fall, he will notice all the changes and most likely your Chihuahua loves fall too. How do we know? What is it that they love about fall? Here are all the reasons that fall and autumn just may be your Chihuahua’s favorite season too.

Allergies Be Gone!

Well, maybe not all together, but allergies usually ease up somewhat from spring and summer allergies. Sadly, allergies from dust mites — those nasty spider-like creatures that live in your bedding — will not go away because it is fall or even winter. But allergies from grass, flower, pollen, etc may lessen in the fall and winter.

If your Chihuahua is constantly licking, biting at their paws or tail, have watery eyes may be showing signs of an allergy. Talk to your veterinarian and read this post: 👉 “What is the Best Treatment For Allergies in Chihuahuas?”

Walking Is More Fun!

In the summer we must be very careful about walking our Chis on concrete, even packed dirt can get to temperatures that are too hot for your Chihuahua’s little paw pads.

Chihuahuas love fall because cooler weather means no more worries about it being too hot and the smells! Oh, those fall smells are a sensual sensation to your Chihuahua with his or her keen sense of smell. Smells in the fall are much different than in the summer and to your Chihuahua they are heavenly.

Did I Mention Cooler Weather?

You may be one of those crazy people that love the summer weather — unless you are one of the lucky ones that live where the temperature never gets past 80 F even in summer, then that’s not crazy! — but not your Chihuahua.

When the temperature is lower your Chihuahua is better able to regulate his or her body temperature. For more on that see: 👉 “3 Big Reasons it is Not Bad To Put Clothes On Your Chihuahua.”

Fewer Flea Bites?

Temperatures from 85 F and higher fleas thrive. Another reason your Chihuahua loves fall is that as the temperatures begin to drop fleas are less active. Do fleas die in the fall and winter? No. They are instead dormant during the winter months.

So does that mean you no longer have to protect them from fleas and ticks during the fall and winter seasons? Again, sadly, no. Here’s why: 👉 “3 Important Reasons You Should Treat For Fleas and Ticks All Year Round.”

cream shorthaired chihuahua lying on a green chaise lounger scratching behind his ear all white backgound

I highly recommend that you use natural products to protect your Chihuahua from fleas & ticks. All other flea & tick products have insecticide. The reason is that is what kills the fleas & ticks. However, there have been a number of reports about these products causing neurological issues. I personally do not expose my tiny Chihuahuas to any more toxins than is absolutely necessary.

All-natural pest control has come a long way recently and there really are products out there that are natural and very effective. I prefer those from “All Natural Pet”. Especially Easy Defence, because I have found they are the most effective. They come in a variety of ways to apply them, even a squeeze on.


Love football? Do you go to all the games and cheer on your favorite team? Well, you can’t very well take your Chihuahua with you to the games, but you can have an at-home tail-gating party just for your furry football fan!

Pumpkin Picking & Corn Mazes

Do you love to go pick the perfect pumpkin from your local pumpkin patch? I love a good corn maze! What you may not know is that most pumpkin patches and corn mazes will allow well-behaved dogs. Next time you go, take your Chihuahua with you and let him stroll the hay-covered fields along with you.


Notice the question mark? That’s just because I’m not a baker, but I know that many are! If you love to bake you are going to be very busy this time of the year, but don’t forget your Chihuahua! Again, dogs love to use their sense of smell and since their sense of smell is so much greater than ours, just imagine what he must be smiling when you are baking pumpkin pie or chocolate chip cookies!

Many of us are a little strapped for cash this time of the year and you wish you could give gifts to everyone you know, but it’s just not possible financially. However, a pretty tin of baked dog treats for all your friends and family with dogs won’t cost you much more than your time doing what you love to do anyway.

More Walking At Night

The days are beginning to get shorter and it gets dark much earlier and that means you will probably be walking your Chi in the dark more often. It is imperative, however, that you do it safely. Reflective collars, harnesses, and leashes are important so you and your Chihuahua can be easily seen from a distance in the dark by cars.

Coats & Jackets

As we all know, sometimes Chihuahuas need a little help to stay warm. Even in the summer with the air-conditioner on it may be too chilly for his tiny body to regulate and provide enough heat to keep him warm. So now is the time to start putting on sweaters, coats, and jackets.

White Chihuahua wearing grey plaid sweater with red halter over the sweater standing on brick path

Does your Chihuahua hate to wear clothes? Never ever try to force him to wear clothes. Instead, use some conditioning training to help him to enjoy wearing warmer clothing. If you want to learn more about why coats, jackets, and sweaters may be necessary for your Chihuahua please see: 👉 “Why It Is Not Wrong To Put Clothes On Your Chihuahua.” If you want to learn how to gradually train your Chihuahua to wear coats, jackets, and sweaters, please see: 👉 “How To Teach Your Chihuahua to Wear Clothes Willingly.”

Seasonal Treats!

What do you suppose your Chihuahua’s very, very favorite thing about the Fall/Autumn season is? TREATS! How much do we love food this time of the year? Well, your Chihuahua loves food all year round, however, there are some treat temptations that he may only be exposed to during this time of the year.

Let them have their occasional treats. Just be sure that they are safe! It’s best to be aware of the foods that are dangerous to dogs and the food sitting around when you have company. If there are foods that are dangerous to your Chihuahua, put them where he/she can’t reach them and ask your guests to be aware too.

Speaking of baking — every month in our Newsletter we have a “Good 4 Them” feature where we share a new treat recipe each month. Be sure to subscribe so you can get yours!


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