10 Ways To Tell If Your Chihuahua May Have Cancer

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Scary Cancer Statistics

Did you know dogs are:

  • Twice as likely to develop leukemia than humans
  • Four times more likely to suffer from breast cancer.
  • Eight times more likely to develop bone cancer.
  • An incredible thirty-five times more at risk of developing skin cancer.

So, the question is, WHY is cancer so prevalent in dogs? Our dogs are receiving cancer-causing carcinogens in their environment.

Through their food:

According to www.vettech.org, there are several ways that dogs can get carcinogens through their food. SEE: What is DCM?

 Through the environment around them:

Think about it. You Chihuahua may get cancer from his/her environment. When is your dog NOT sniffing the ground and everything he comes in contact with? It is only common sense when you think about it. Carcinogens in the environment tend to settle on the ground and other objects, where they remain in trace form until your dog comes along and sniffs them up. These carcinogens may build up over time and eventually cause one or more types of cancer to develop.

Chico, doing what he does best; soaking up the sun

Through continual sun exposure:

I call my Chihuahuas little “pagan sun worshipers” because they love the sun so much. We know that this is a common trait for Chihuahuas. Because of their lower body temperature, they get cold easily. Even in the summer when you and I may think that although the air conditioner is running and the house is warm, your Chihuahuas may actually be cold. They love nothing more than to find a sunny spot to lie, indoors or outdoors.

According to Colorado State University, as many as 50% of pets, including and especially Chihuahuas die of skin cancer, making it a leading cause of pet death. All of these statistics are horrible but my intention in posting this is not to scare you, but to make you aware. So, knowing this and knowing that treatments are insanely expensive, what can you do? The above website lists dog food ingredients to look for and avoid. We can also watch for the following warning signs and try to catch it early should it happen to our beloved pet (s).

What to watch for:

  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • An Enlarging or Changing Lump
  • Abdominal Distension
  • Chronic Weight Loss
  • Chronic Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Unexplained Bleeding
  • Cough
  • Lameness
  • Straining to Urinate
  • Oral Odor

It goes without saying, (why do we use that expression when we know we are going to say it anyway?) that if you see any of the above signs, see your veterinarian.

I hope you never have to face the heartbreak of watching your precious Chi suffer from cancer, but it is good to know that there are resources that can help with the expense.

Pet insurance also has changed from what it used to be. It has become less expensive and it covers more. Embrace Pet Insurance will give you a free quote.

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L'il Sadie Bean. Monica and Luc
L'il Sadie Bean. Monica and Luc
5 years ago

Very sorry to hear about your “chico” . Thanks for the info, our l’il one goes to the vet tomorrow morning. Can’t let her suffer , she deserves better than that. As much as it may hurt us…..it’s NOT about us it’s about quality of life, and about best for our friend/loved one.

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