11 Ways Being Overweight Is Putting Your Chihuahua At Risk

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You probably already know that obesity in dogs is not a good idea, even that it could be dangerous for your Chihuahua, but even more so for an overweight or obese Chihuahua. I’m sure you are aware that obesity puts your Chihuahua at risk of many diseases. But did you know that obesity in itself is a common and preventable disease in dogs? That is according to Krista Williams, BSc, DVM; Robin Downing, DVM, CVPP, CCRP, DAAPM in an article in VCM.

Just How Dangerous Is It For An Overweight or Obese Chihuahua?

Dogs are considered to be overweight when they weigh 10-20% above their ideal body weight. They are considered obese when they weigh 20% or more above their ideal body weight. Here is a sobering statistic: If you have a Chihuahua that is even moderately overweight he or she can have a life expectancy of up to two years less than their leaner counterparts, according to one study. There is no doubt that dogs that are overweight have a shorter life-span.

Are You Killing Your Chihuahua With Love?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I know how hard it is to ignore those great big beautiful black eyes when they look at you while you are eating, or when they just want a tasty snack! I know that you love them and just want them to be happy. Of course, you do! But, there are many reasons that you don’t want an overweight Chihuahua!

Because, you are not only shortening their lives and risking them getting all kinds of diseases that are caused by obesity, being overweight or obese is also causing lasting damage.

a vet checking an obese chihuahua
Your Chihuahua being overweight will not only shorten his or her life, it will cost you plenty in vet bills.

Having an overweight or obese Chihuahua is not going to kill them or cause them to develop a disease immediately, but over time, I assure you, that is exactly what you are doing in the long run by overfeeding them, giving them high calorie or too many treats.

What’s Wrong With Feeding Table Scraps?

Yes, years ago when most people lived on farms their dogs got leftover table scraps as their meal. So, if they did it in the past, why not now? Because those farm dogs simply did not live as long as they could have due to high-calorie foods that were not meant for them to eat.

On a Chihuahua social media group that I belong to, one Chihuahua owner was having trouble getting her dog to eat. She said she had tried many different food options to no avail and was asking for advice. She was very worried that her dog would starve.

Many of the “advice” she got from her fellow Chihuahua group members was not only bad for dogs to eat, so of it was down right dangerous. Just as a small example, one woman said that she always gave her Chihuahua pot roast whenever she made it for the family. Sounds okay, right? After all it’s meat, and vegetables which is good for dogs, right.

Here is the problem, when you make pot roast do you put salt and pepper and other savory seasonings on your post-roast? It would be pretty bland if you didn’t. All that salt and seasoning, not to mention gravy and fat on the meat is definitely not good for any dog, let alone a Chihuahua. That woman meant well and thought she was doing a good thing for her Chihuahua but was she?

Should You Season Their Food To Make It More Palatable?

For one thing, dogs don’t need or even want seasoning on their food. For them what is bland and tasteless to us is very tasty indeed to them. Feeding your Chihuahua real, healthy people food is absolutely a good thing, however, only if it is unseasoned and the meats are lean, such as chicken or turkey.

You would be very surprised how much natural sodium is in everyday healthy foods. If you then add salt to your Chihuahua’s food you are putting them at a high risk of kidney disease or even kidney failure.

They do need vegetables, but not all vegetables are good for them and some are even toxic. Feeding them carrots, apples, and other naturally sweet and savory fruits and vegetables is not only good for them, but dogs love them too!

Is There A Danger Of Your Chihuahua Starving?

Unless there is a medical reason for them to not eat, that is a myth. It is in a dog’s DNA to eat to survive. They will not starve themselves in protest because they don’t like what you are feeding them.

If you feed your dog twice a day and he skips one meal that day, it will not hurt him and I promise that when he gets hungry he will eat whatever you put before them whether they like it or not. But, of course, we want them to like what they eat, nothing wrong with that.

A very obese Chihuahua
QUIZ: Is this little cutie overweight?, Obese?, or just right? Put your answer in the comments below:

What is wrong is the idea that they will starve unless you feed them table scraps or any other food that is not good for them. Again, that is if there is no medical reason. If your Chihuahua goes for two days without eating anything, he should see a veterinarian. Dogs, however, can go as long as seven days without eating and not starve.

Long Term And Lasting Damage Of Your Chi Being Overweight

Every time you are tempted to give your Chihuahua treats to show them how much you love them, think of this: any extra weight on your Chihuahua is causing lasting damage to his or her internal organs, bones, and joints. Some of that damage can never be remedied — not even by a change in diet or losing those pounds later.

A pretty sobering thought, don’t you think? Before you dismiss it and poo-poo it, just know that veterinarians across the U.S. are now seeing more obese pets than ever before and that trend does not appear to be slowing, it is in fact growing.

Cora, my obese Chihuahua is losing weight
This is Cora, the newest addition to our family (adopted 10-12-20). As you can see, she needs to lose weight. Don’t miss our weight-loss journey coming soon on YouTube!

As a result, they are also seeing an increase in the number of diseases that obesity causes and at younger and younger ages. Thankfully some of the damage done can be reversed through a change in diet and by increased exercise, there will be some damage that will remain for life and the longer he or she is allowed to be overweight the more severe the lasting damage will be.

What Harm Can A Few Pounds Do?

While a pound or two may not be enough to even think about for us, a pound or two on a Chihuahua is very, very significant and can cause substantial stress on organs, bones, and joints. So you can imagine the damage being done for an obese Chihuahua! According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), more than 45% of dogs can be classified as overweight or obese.

Some of those conditions caused by excess weight are:

  • Decreased stamina and energy
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sensitivity to heat
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease or dysfunction
  • Osteoarthritis (can cause lameness)
  • Anesthesia risk (any surgery becomes risky)
  • Lowered immune system
  • Increased risk of developing all types of cancer

It may sound harsh, but the most loving thing you can do for your Chihuahua is not to give them an abundance of treats, but to put them on a diet, especially an obese Chihuahua. They will thank you later and you will have more happy, healthy years together.

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