Does your Chihuahua need clothes? Putting clothes on a Chihuahua. That has caused quite a debate on social media. Everyone likes to make their opinion known. But is it always an educated opinion? I know that there are many who think putting clothes on a dog is cruel, however, many are now coming to realize that sometimes wearing clothes, at least for a Chihuahua, is necessary. Why?
Why Chihuahuas May Need Clothes
Some say it is cruel and others say dogs already have a coat —of fur — and that is all they need. That may very well be true of some dogs, but is it true for Chihuahuas?
A Chihuahua may have fur, however, it is not always enough to keep him warm. For one thing, a Chihuahua is not genetically suited for the environment he may find himself in.
The Origin Of The Chihuahua
The Chihuahua breed was named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where they were first found in the mid-19th century. The Chihuahua is thought to have been derived from the Techichi, a small, mute dog kept by the Toltec people of Mexico as long ago as the 9th-century AD.
Where Chihuahuas first originated, temperatures are mild all year long. It never gets very cold there. As a result, they are not genetically suited for some of the cold temperatures they may find themselves in now.
Short-Haired Dog Breeds
If your Chihuahua is short-coated, he does not have an undercoat which means he will get cold easily because of the lack of insulation and protection from cold temperatures. Whereas dogs with thick coats, larger dogs, and those genetically meant to be in cold temperatures, (think Saint Bernard or Alaskan Malamute) can tolerate cold temperatures much better.

Your tiny Chihuahua may, in fact, be extremely uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as you would be out in the cold with no clothes on.
What About Outside?
On the other hand, whether your Chihuahua is long or short-coated, they still have a much thinner layer of muscle allowing cold temperatures to lower their body temperature much faster. And think about how these short-legged little dogs have to jump and wade through snow. Chihuahuas will seek out heat to warm their bodies even indoors.
What may be a comfortable indoor temperature for you or me is probably too cold for your Chihuahua. How many times have you found your Chihuahua snuggled up under a blanket or pillow? It is because they are trying to stay warm, (and they like burrowing) while we on the other hand are quite comfortable.

I didn’t do well in science when in school, but I did learn that cold air falls and warm air rises. Your Chihuahua is much closer to the ground where the air is colder than where you are.
Even in the summer time you run the air-conditioner in the house. Again, the temperature may be just right for you and still too cold for your Chihuahua. When you see your Chihuahua curled up with his nose tucked under his tail it is because he is cold. In this position, he is breathing in warmer air from his body and trying to get warm.

With that being said, never try to force your dog to wear clothes! Dogs don’t know what is good for them. When Chihuahuas are puppies they are fearless, so that is the best time to get your Chihuahua accustomed to wearing clothes. However, if they are adults and have never worn clothes before, the very first time can be quite scary to them. If they struggle when you try to put a sweater on them, don’t force it. Instead, try getting them used to clothes with little baby steps at a time. See: “How To Teach Your Chihuahua To Wear Clothes Willingly”.
What About Dressing Them For Fun?
Of course, whether you put clothes on your Chihuahua or not, it is entirely your decision. Some, in my opinion, go a little overboard with a closet full of cute dresses and costumes for their Chihuahua(s), but should you and I judge that person? I don’t think so. If their Chihuahua is accustomed to wearing clothes and they are comfortable with it, then, what is the harm?

If after reading this you decide you would like to put a coat or sweater on your Chihuahua to help him or her stay warm, but he or she has never worn them before, your Chi may very likely freak out the first time you try. But you can gently teach them to wear — and even enjoy — clothes when it is necessary for them to do so.
It’s your turn! What is your opinion about putting clothes on a Chihuahua? Tell us; put your comment below:
Up Next: 4 Reasons a Stroller Is Not Just For Spoiled Chihuahuas
Coming Soon: How To Train Your Chihuahua To Wear Clothes