4 Reasons A Stroller Is Not Just For Spoiled Chihuahuas!

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Do you know a spoiled Chihuahua? You’ve seen them, the little dogs all dressed up and in a stroller. What comes to mind when you see that? Spoiled dog? “That dog mom needs to “get a life”?

Well, this Chihuahua mom is here to tell you strollers can be a lifesaver and some think they are not a luxury, but a necessity! At the very least, they can be very, very helpful at times. Don’t believe me? Well here are 4 reasons strollers are not just for spoiled Chihuahuas.

Less Stressful Vet and Groomer Visits

Spoiled Chihuahua or not they just know when they are going to the vet or the groomer, and most don’t like either. Some are very stressed and anxious every single time they go.

Especially at the vet being on a leash with other dogs all around, barking, whining, or otherwise showing their stress can make the situation even worse for your Chihuahua. As a result, the whole ordeal becomes stressful for you too.

A stroller can make the trip there much more manageable. When your Chihuahua is tucked inside a cozy place, his own personal space, he feels more secure and less stressed and anxious. No more struggling for you to manage, a dog, a leash, your purse, and anything else you need to take with you. Stollers have a place for your stuff too! Result? Again, less stress for you too!

Multiple Chihuahuas? You need a stroller!

You know the saying; “Chihuahuas are like potato chips, you can never have just one”? Well, I honestly don’t know very many Chihuahua owners that only have one Chihuahua. How many do you have? Let us know in the comments below.

Two are double the love, more is even better. Transporting more than one can be a real pain. A double stroller or one that can accommodate more than one is an absolute necessity when you have more than one Chi.

Senior Chihuahuas Feel Young Again!

Do you have a senior Chihuahua? They need a change of scenery and some fresh air and sunshine. However, many older Chihuahuas have painful joint problems, arthritis, or other health issues that make it difficult or even impossible to go on walks of any distance.

Getting lots of fresh air does not a spoiled Chihuahua make. You get the exercise and they get the environmental enrichment. Those sights, those smells, and wait, did you hear that? — the sounds. Dogs love it!

Maybe you have one of those Chihuahuas — there’s always one — that starts out on his walks all gangbusters, but soon poops out leaving you to have to carry them back. Hey, even a little 4 or 5 lb Chihuahua can feel pretty heavy after a while. A stroller can help you out and it’s fun for your Chi.

My Pebbles has an enlarged heart and a mass on her heart, so she absolutely can not walk for even short distances anymore, but she used to love her walks! I don’t have the heart to leave her home while I take the other two on their walks. With a stroller, I don’t have to!

Simpler Shopping

Thankfully, there are more and more stores becoming more pet friendly. It’s no longer only the pet stores that allow your dog inside. See List of Pet-Friendly Stores.

If you have ever tried shopping with a wiggly baby in your arms and found it difficult, try it with a wiggly Chihuahua! Plus, if you have a pet stroller, leaving your Chihuahua in the car “for just a minute” will be less tempting.

shopping with a spoiled chihuahua

We have in our area once a year what is called “Woof Stock” which is an event that has prizes, vendors, costume contests, (it’s held every October), and of course lots of food. Everyone brings their dog(s). It’s great fun, but people in a crowd, even one with lots of dogs, don’t watch out for little Chihuahuas! Carrying them around all day is not an option. You guessed it …. a stroller is a great thing to have!

New To Strollers? Practice Makes Perfect

Does your Chihuahua hate the vet so much that any outing that seems out of the ordinary makes him suspicious? Even to the point that if he sees you getting ready to go somewhere and getting out his harness and leash, etc he runs and hides?

A Stroller will help him to get over that anxiety by getting your Chi used to being out and going places. That way he begins to realize that not every trip means going to the vet or groomer, that sometimes going out means fun things!

spoiled chihuahua in stroller

The best time to introduce your Chihuahua to a stroller is a low-stress, but lots of fun outing. The dog park, for instance. Maybe a walk to a neighbor who happens to have your Chihuahua’s favorite playmate.

What To Look For When Buying A Stroller

Look for one that zips with mesh so there is no chance of a great escape and he can still see, smell, and hear the amazing sights, while he gets used to his new wheels.

If you like to walk on bike trails or other bumpy areas, a stroller with shock absorbers is almost a must!

Please don’t try to repurpose a child’s stroller. They are made for babies and toddlers, not for active little pooches. A repurposed child’s stroller is just not safe for a dog.

Think they are too expensive? There are a lot of budget-friendly options that are still quality. One of those is the Pet Gear AT2 No-Zip Stroller or the Pet Gear Happy Trails No-Zip Stroller.

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NEXT UP: Why Do Dogs Love To Hang Their Head Out The Car Window?

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