5 Best Remedies To Treat A Chihuahua’s Upset Tummy

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What do you do when you have an upset stomach? You might reach for some soda crackers, ginger ale, or Pepto Bismol. But what should you do when your Chihuahua has an upset stomach?

What are the causes, the symptoms? How can you safely treat a Chihuahua’s upset stomach at home and when you should take them to the veterinarian.

What Are Some Common Causes?

The causes are many, however, there is one that is the most common cause. They ate something they should not have.

You know the saying; “curiosity killed the cat”? Well, hopefully, it won’t kill them, but dogs are also very curious creatures. They are always putting things in their mouths and swallowing things they shouldn’t.

Vomiting and diarrhea are signs that they have digested something that does not belong in their body and that is how the body tries to expel whatever that may be.

Other things that may cause an upset tummy in your Chihuahua is bacterial imbalance within the digestive tract or chronic conditions like food sensitivities.

What To Look For

The signs that your Chi has an upset stomach are first vomiting and/or diarrhea. You may see him eat grass. This is usually an attempt to make himself throw up or to soothe the upset. Other signs might be:

  • Decreased or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Drinking less water
  • Depression
  • Seaming uncomfortable, stretching more often
  • Change in behavior
  • Passing gas

If you suspect that it is a simple upset tummy from eating something he shouldn’t have there are a few things that you can try at home to help.

  • Wait it out. Sometimes the best approach is to do nothing. The “wait and see” approach. Letting nature take its course to see if they can pass whatever they ate through their system on their own. While you do you should probably avoid feeding him for 12 to 24 hours so you are not just adding to the problem
  • Ice. Although you don’t want your Chihuahua to become dehydrated, you also don’t want to try to make him drink a lot of water. If he drinks too much he may just throw it back up and make matters worse. Instead, give him a bowl of ice chips every few hours. If he has been able to keep ice chips down, then you can give him water.
  • Canned Pumpkin. Pumpkin can aid in all kinds of digestive issues, including an upset stomach. It is a gentle treatment unlike conventional drugs used to relieve constipation. And much, much less messy!

Is It A Food Allergy?

If your Chihuahua’s upset tummy happens frequently, it could be the sign of a food allergy. Food allergies are common for Chihuahuas. They do have allergy test kits for dogs (see below) that can help you to determine what if anything they are allergic to.

5Strands Pet Food & Environmental Intolerance Testing Kit
5Strands Pet Food & Environmental Intolerance Testing Kit

Knowledge is power and now you can help take control of your pet’s health with 5Strands Pet Food & Environmental Intolerance Non-Invasive Dog & Cat Testing Kit! This kit is easy to use and is designed to test for over 300 food and environmental intolerances

NutriScan Saliva Based Dog Food Intolerance & Biomarker Test
NutriScan Saliva Based Dog Food Intolerance & Biomarker Test

NutriScan’s Saliva Based Dog Food Intolerance & Biomarker Test is designed to help identify those foods that your Chi may be allergic to. It tests for the key 24 most commonly ingested foods. It also helps to identify biomarker enzymes, released by damaged cells and can lead to obesity, infections and some cancers.

Is It a Bacteria Imbalance In the Gut?

Sometimes a frequent upset tummy can be caused by an imbalance in gut bacteria. The amount and the balance or imbalance of these bacteria affect the immune system and if they are out of balance your Chihuahua may have frequent digestive upset or even at the risk of developing a disease.

Gut bacteria have even been linked to mental health. More than half of the serotonin in animals’ bodies is a result of their microbiomes.  Some have an anti-anxiety effect that is similar to prescription drugs.

Sometimes — out of love — we may unknowingly feed them something they shouldn’t have

The foundational types of bacteria are established early in life, but the overall types changes with age, diet and lifestyle.

For instance antibiotics could shift the balance rapidly, if not put back into balance it will stay out of balance long enough to disrupt your dog’s immune system negatively.

Probiotics can help to rebalance the bacteria in your Chihuahua’s gut for better health and no more tummy upsets caused by an imbalance in gut bacteria.

Always talk to your veterinarian if you have any concerns that your Chihuahuas intestinal upset could be something more serious.

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