5 Fun Indoor Dog Activities For A Rainy Day

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Rainy days don’t have to mean boring, mopy days for you OR your Chihuahua! Chihuahuas are small but energetic pups who thrive on mental stimulation and fun, even when the weather isn’t conducive to being outdoors. Here are five creative and fun indoor activities to keep your Chihuahua entertained and happy during a rainy day.

1. Indoor Obstacle Course

Transform your living room into a mini agility course! You can buy inexpensive equipment to keep on hand, or you can use what you have at home. Use pillows, chairs, and blankets to create tunnels, jumps, and weave poles.

Guide your Chihuahua through the course using treats or a favorite toy. Not only will this burn off energy, but it will also strengthen their problem-solving skills. Bonus: It’s fun for you too!

You can make your own indoor obstacle course

2. Interactive puzzle toys

Chihuahuas love a good challenge, and puzzle toys are perfect for keeping their minds sharp. Fill a treat-dispensing toy or hide snacks inside a puzzle game and watch your pup figure it out.

More fun indoor activities may include: filling a Kong toy with healthy treats or hiding treats in a snuffle mat. One of my Chihuahuas favorite rainy day play is this: I put them in a separate room where they can’t see me. Then in another room I hide treats through out the room making sure they are within their reach. Then let him or her out and watch them use their nose to find them. It’s really fun for them and I get to enjoy watching them using their nose to “scent them out”.

These activities can keep them engaged for hours while giving their brains a workout and in some their bodies too.

3. teach new tricks

Rainy days are great opportunities to teach your Chihuahua new tricks. Whether it’s “roll over,” “play dead,” or even “high five,” short and fun training sessions can strengthen your bond and boost their confidence. Use positive reinforcement with plenty of treats and praise.


One of my favorite books on how to train your Chi to do all kinds of tricks is: “101 Dog Tricks” by Kyra Sundance.


Or if you are like me and learn better by watching, there are lots of YouTube videos on the subject. My favorite is: All of Zac George’s “tricks” playlists starting with: “How To Teach Your Dog To Do 4 Things In Minutes”.


Grab an old T-shirt or towel and create a DIY tug toy. Chihuahuas love tug-of-war, and it’s an excellent way to get them moving. Keep it gentle and let your pup “win” occasionally to keep their excitement up. For some fun ideas watch the following video:

5. snuggle and movie time

Sometimes, all the fun indoor activity your Chihuahua wants is to snuggle up with you. Choose a pet-themed movie or a relaxing show, grab a cozy blanket, and spend quality time together. Your Chihuahua will love the extra attention and warmth.


Rainy days don’t have to be gloomy for you or your Chihuahua. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can turn indoor time into memorable bonding moments filled with fun and love. Try these activities and watch your Chihuahua’s tail wag with excitement!

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