5 Reasons Your Chihuahua Stares At You While He Poops

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You are out on a leisurely walk with your Chihuahua just enjoying all the beautiful plants, flowers, and trees in your neighborhood. Your Chihuahua is walking along sniffing, and peeing on everything he sees while also enjoying the walk. Then you see him do the familiar sniff, spin, and squat.

So you get your handy poop bag ready and look at your Chihuahua so you are sure to find it when he is done. And for the umpteenth time, you wonder “why does he always stare at me while pooping”?

brown chihuahua staring at owner while he is pooping
Why is he staring at me?

I think I can safely say that this is an experience we have all had, asking ourselves why our dog is staring at us while he is pooping. Have you found the answer yet? Well, I have 5 possible reasons. According to the experts, it could be any one of the following 5 reasons.

  1. According to one study, when a dog stares into your eyes and you into theirs it produces a hormone that causes a response very similar to mothers and infants. So, according to that your Chihuahua is staring at you because he thinks you are his mom, which of course, is true!
  2. According to one dog behavior, expert, and trainer in New York, your Chihuahua is hoping for a reward. You know, like you did when he was a puppy and were potty training him. Even though you don’t treat him for doing his business anymore, a dog can still hope, right?
  3. She also says that a dog while pooping is in a vulnerable position and just as his ancestors did he is looking to you as his pack leader to watch for dangers that he can’t fend off himself while, well, pooping.
  4. Nick Jones, a dog behaviorist with Alpha Dog Behavior in London, says that if the owner had in the past scolded their dog for pooping in the wrong place (in the house maybe?) the reason he now stares at you while pooping is because he is looking for your approval. He is asking you, is here okay with you?
  5. Last, but not least, Dr. Sonja Olson, DVM says that your Chihuahua may be trying to communicate to you that he’s like a little privacy. Or it may just be you holding the eye contact and again, he is trying to ask you for a little privacy.

Number 5 is interesting. My Chihuahuas follow me to the bathroom and look at me with that same intense stare. Payback, perhaps?

I personally think all of the above reasons make sense, but I tend to believe that number 3 makes the most sense to me.

a tri-colored chihuahua looking at the camera intensely, maybe staring at the owner while he is pooping
So, how do you like it?

How about you? Which of these reasons do you believe is the correct one? Leave your comment below ….

Up Next: A New Theory About Why Dogs Turn In Circles Before They Poop

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Shannon Edwards
Shannon Edwards
4 years ago

I agree, #3 sounds reasonable, my chi’s also follow me to the bathroom and stare. Of course they
are every where I am, when I’m sewing they are on my sewing table looking out the windows, watching for food when I’m cooking, if I’m on
my computer they are either on my desk sleeping or on the floor by my feet. But they are so sweet
I don’t care, I just love them to pieces!.

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