Good Dogs Aren’t Born
Sometimes people think that if they bring home a Chihuahua puppy and give them love, attention, good food, and regular vet visits, they will have a well-behaved dog. Sorry, that simply is not true. Good dogs are not just born that way. You can’t pick out a puppy and assume that because he or she looks sweet and quiet, they will automatically grow up that way when you bring them home. It takes considerable time and effort to have a well-behaved Chihuahua (it’s true with any dog breed).
5 Secrets To A “Good Dog”
Handle Your Dog (I mean literally)
During the life of your Chihuahua puppy, you will need to touch him. They need baths, nail trims, you’ll need to clean their ears, brush their teeth and they will visit a vet who will examine them. All these things will scare them if they have not been taught to accept touching on all parts of their body by you, family members, and their veterinarian.
Socialize Them
Let your Chihuahua puppy meet people of all shapes, sizes, and mannerisms to learn there’s nothing to fear from people of all kinds. Introduce children, men, and women, and even people with hats or costumes — Halloween comes around once a year. Don’t forget the treats to make ‘scary’ fun!” The first two months are the best time to do this because at that age puppies go through a “fearless” stage. After that most become fearful of the “unknown”. A good guideline to follow is:
- Introduced them to as many healthy and safe people, animals, places, situations, sights, and sounds as possible ( meeting at least three new living beings a day is recommended).
- Include family, friends and their dogs, cats, or any other pets they may have.
- Encouraged them to explore and investigate their environment, with supervision
- Expose them to lots of toys, games, surfaces and other stimuli
- Take them on daily car rides to new, unfamiliar environments
Play Dress-Up With Them
A Chihuahua puppy and adult Chihuahuas (other short-coated breeds too) get cold easily. They may need a sweater in the house in the summer when the air conditioner is running. Their body temperature is not like ours. They may be cold even when we are comfortable. Chihuahuas really need a coat in the wintertime when they are outside for any length of time, for the same reason.
They may at some point in their lives need a bandage, or the veterinarian may recommend they wear a cone (Elizabethan collar) after an injury or a procedure. Now is the time to condition them to either of those things.
Make Noise With Your Chihuahua puppy
Expose your Chihuahua puppy to any loud noise he may encounter in his lifetime. These may include the vacuum cleaner, the doorbell sudden banging or rattling. A puppy can learn that there is nothing to fear. Noise phobias are real and you can prevent them. If thunder startles him when he hears it for the first time if you remain calm and behave as there is nothing to fear, so will he. If he becomes startled, wait until he is calm and give him a treat. This will help to desensitize him to the sound. The same is true of his first exposure to fireworks.
Go on Adventures With Your Chihuahua Puppy
Take your Chihuahua puppy with you as often as you can. Visit your veterinarian just for a visit and maybe some friendly treats. Take him with you on errands to experience new sights, sounds, and smells. Visit friends and family. Go to different parks. Retail stores that allow it. There are dog-friendly restaurants in some cities.

All of this will help you to avoid big problems in the future, besides, handling and spending time with your Chihuahua puppy can be tons of fun!