This post was updated August 2024
So you think you know your dog very well, do you? You may be surprised to learn what your dog knows about you. Your dog knows you better than you know him and even better than you know yourself.
a true story
Back in 2018, I had a total knee replacement surgery. If you’ve never had one then let me tell you, it ain’t easy! The recovery is very difficult and painful.
But all through that painful recovery there were three things that I could always count on; Chico (passed in 2020), Pebbles (passed in 2021), and Remedy!
The first few weeks, while I was completely laid up, they were right by my side. The only time they left me was to eat or to go potty. They were such a comfort and I’m sure you have a similar story about your Chihuahua(s).

Even though most of us have had this happen to us, whether we were injured, ill, or even very sad, not everyone knows about the reason for it. Yes, I know, it’s because they love us, but that is not the only reason! It is astonishing what dogs know.
what your dog knows about you
- Your dog knows when you are injured or ill. I put this at the top of my list, because of my experience above. Actually, dogs can smell it. Every day, each of my dogs, (not at the same time) would smell all over where my incision was. They would take their time doing it. Top, bottom, both sides, all over. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than ours. In fact, even experts are astonished at their precise odor discriminations.
- Your dog knows if you like someone or not. When you have negative feelings about someone, they sense your breathing pattern change, and your body stiffens. They even smell subtle pheromones that your body emits.
- He knows where you’ve been. Did you know that everywhere you go, you pick up organic compounds from everything that you touch or even walk by? For instance, if you go to the grocery store (or supermarket, if you prefer) they know if you visit the meat counter, or the fish counter, they know what food you bought and even the people you stood by at the checkout counter. Astonishing!

more asonishing things your chihuahua knows about you
4. He knows when you are coming home or when it’s time to eat. No, he can’t tell time…he knows your schedule and when you are due home every day. Not only that, but he knows the sound of your particular car and he will listen for it. As for knowing when it’s time to eat, again it’s your routine that he knows. Chico has a little “it’s time to eat dance” at 5 o’clock sharp. See the video below.
5. Your dog knows when you are going on a trip. He knows all the signs, the suitcases, or the way you lay your clothes out on the bed when deciding what to take. Chihuahuas will start to shake and/or pant because their anxiety level has gone up.
6. Your dog knows that he can usually get what he wants by looking at you lovingly with those puppy dog eyes. How? Researchers say that when you look at your baby (two-legged or 4-legged), and you lock eyes, your brain releases the hormone, oxytocin. Oh yeah, they know!
There are many more astonishing things that they know about you, these are just a few.
Also watch the video: 12 Astonishing Things Your Chihuahua Knows About You video
Omg too cute Chico… I have a chi and he loves breakfast time… hehehehe
Great new.
I have 2 chihuahuas. They are very funny
My dog know when I put on my makeup and do my hair , I’m going out. She gets mad and goes to hide. Is it normal
How do you know she gets mad? I don’t think she gets mad, however, she does know you are getting ready to leave. I think that you leaving makes her a little anxious and hiding somewhere makes her feel safe. Of course, I’m not there to witness it, but that is what it sounds like to me. ~ Linda
Very interesting. My first chihuahua, Panda, lived to be 14.5 years old and I had to put her to sleep because of a broken trachea. Terrible time for me. I have had Isabella 3 years and I find your writing about the things our dog knows about us as so refreshing. Linwood
Thank you so much. I’m very sorry about your Panda. Losing a beloved Chihuahua is heartbreaking, I know. Thank you for the comment and the kind words.
Loved your article. I am a mom to two Chihuahuas, Lucy, 12 and Terri, 6. Lucy does the dance like your Chico. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with her legs. Her veterinarian couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary so I started massaging her little legs. That didn’t seem to work and seemed to make it worse. Well no wonder, she’s just enjoying the extra massages. Thank you for the information and look forward to seeing more from you. Karen
Hi Karen!
I’ve never had anyone tell me that their Chi did the “dance” also, although I knew he couldn’t be the only one. Don’t stop the massages, apparently, your Lucy enjoys them. 🙂 Thank you so much for your comment! I’m glad you found us and please, visit often!