Why do Chihuahuas shake is a pretty common question. Shaking, shivering, and trembling basically mean the same thing. There are several reason why a Chihuahua may shake. That’s why it’s important that you understand why your Chihuahua shakes
It’s common for Chihuahuas to shake and they shake more than other breeds do. But the reasons are varied, some can be mundane, non-serious reasons and some can be a sign of something serious. So understanding why your Chihuahua is shaking is important.
High Metabolism Can Cause Chihuahuas to Shake
Because toy and small breed dogs have a much faster metabolism. A Chihuahua can burn through a meal in a matter of hours. Their high metabolism directly affects the way they regulate their body temperature. The same is true if they are scared or frightened. They get cold faster and at higher temperatures than we do. Just because you aren’t cold does not mean your Chihuahua is not cold.
They Are Cold
Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the world. Besides their high metabolism, they don’t have enough body fat to keep them warm. They don’t handle cold temperatures as well as we do. They are also closer to the ground where cold air settles. They can be cold in the summer with the air conditioner on even if you are quite comfortable. That’s why coats and sweaters are necessary especially for short-haired Chihuahuas.
Cable Knit Sweater
This is my Pebbles wearing her favorite sweater (all 4 have one). She loves it because it’s stylish and warm. I love it because it comes in 11 different colors (we have red, pink, purple, and green). You can get it in a small or X-small (important for Chihuahuas!), and it’s easy to put on and take off. Did I mention it’s warm?

- Put comfortable sweaters, coats, jackets on them. If your Chihuahua has never worn clothes before, you can condition them to wear them willingly a little at a time.
- If you are outside without having warm clothing on your Chihuahua hold them close to you under your coat, sweater, or jacket to warm them with your body heat.
- If they have been out in the rain or snow, immediately dry them off with a warm towel (toss one in the dryer for a few seconds) or hairdryer.
- Be sure to regulate the thermostat in your home and make sure it is warm enough for your Chihuahua.
- Provide plenty of warm beds and blankets. Chihuahuas love to burrow under a blanket, the reason being is it helps them to stay warm.
- Place beds away from doors and windows where the air may be colder.
Extreme Stress and Anxiety
If your Chihuahua is a well-socialized and confident little dog then they won’t shake when confronted with new situations. But if they aren’t, the stress and anxiety of the situation can cause them to shake.
One solution is to make sure they have adequate exercise each day. They need both physical and mental stimulation. A walk of at least 30 minutes along with interactive play or training each day is usually sufficient for a Chihuahua. They need this mental and physical exercise for many other reasons too; to prevent obesity and unwanted behaviors. A tired dog is a better-behaved dog.
Guess what? This exercise is good for you too. Have you ever noticed that if you are overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed you feel much better able to cope after a walk? It’s the same for your Chihuahua. Bonus? When you feel good your Chihuahua senses that and he feels better too.
Excitement Can Cause Chihuahuas to Shake!
It’s easy to recognize when your Chihuahua is excited. They will jump, bark, spin …. and they will shake. So if your Chihuahua is shaking when he is excited, no need to worry, it’s normal.
In fact, it’s a good thing. Let them be excited, sometimes it’s very entertaining. My Cora, for instance, gets so excited before a meal or when expecting a treat she will dance all around. Do you know the song by the Pointer Sisters? 🎵”I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it”🎶? That’s my Cora!
Being Afraid
When a Chihuahua is fearful he will shake or tremble. What might a Chihuahua be afraid of? For a tiny Chihuahua, the world can be a very scary place. Just imagine that you are on a strange planet and you don’t speak their language.

The strange creatures there are giants compared to you. Then these strange creatures haul you around in a giant car, take you to strange places where there are other strange sights and sounds that you have never seen or heard before. Wouldn’t you be afraid of just about everything? That’s exactly how your Chihuahua feels if he has not been trained and socialized.
Training: In the process of training your Chihuahua, you will be surprised at how much bonding is involved. Training helps teach your Chihuahua not only the commands or cues but most of all it teaches him that he can trust you. That you care for him and will protect him. There is no better way to show that to your Chihuahua. Not all the hugs and kisses in the world will convince him of that more than training will.
In a fearful situation, if your Chihuahua thoroughly trusts you, knows that you are in charge of every situation, that in every potentially scary situation, he will look to you. If you are not afraid, then he knows there is nothing to be afraid of.

Socialization: If you expose him to all kinds of situations he learns that they are not scary. Take them on car rides, to the vet (just to socialize), to the park, etc. Take him to situations where he will see people in wheelchairs, on bicycles, skateboards, etc. Introduce him to children of all ages (with supervision). The more people, places, animals, and situations he is exposed to the less fearful he will be when he comes across a new situation.
Low Blood Sugar — Hypoglycemia
Chihuahuas are prone to low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. The brain needs a steady supply of glucose to function properly. Hypoglycemia is a medical term for critically low levels of sugar in the blood. Hypoglycemia may be caused by blood loss or other medical conditions. The most common cause is the side effects of drugs that are being used to treat diabetes. However, it can be a genetic condition in Chihuahuas.
One of the symptoms of hypoglycemia is shaking (or seizures). This is a serious condition and should be treated immediately!
Old Age
It is not uncommon for older Chihuahuas to shake. But you should not rule out pain. Senior Chihuahuas develop ailments that also affect humans in older age. Arthritis being just one. As your Chihuahua becomes a senior (around 12 years) and begins to shake. Have him checked by your veterinarian to rule out any of the ailments common in seniors that may be causing him pain.
Other Causes of Shaking
There are also some diseases and health issues that will cause your Chihuahua to shake. If your Chihuahua doesn’t ordinarily shake but begins to for no apparent reason. If you have ruled out all the above reasons, have him checked by a veterinarian. Some of these diseases are:
- Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS)
- Poisoning
- Kidney disease
- Ear infections
- Internal injury
- Allergies
- Nausea
- Seizures
- Distemper
Some of the above can be very serious and some, such as nausea can be temporary and resolve themselves. But, don’t take any chances, if you are ruled out everything else, have your Chihuahua evaluated by your veterinarian.
No Mas!
Finally, while writing this I was reminded of one of my favorite scenes in Beverly Hills Chihuahua! Some people think of Chihuahuas as tiny little lap dogs that shake all the time. But, we know that although they are small, they are mighty little dogs!
‘Yes, we Chihuahuas shake but not for the amusement of humans. We shake because we know the power of our inner strength – our bark. Yes – we are tiny but we’re mighty!’
Lovely article on the mystery of why Chihuahuas shake. It gave me important insights on why my little guy shakes? He uses our larger dog as his PTSD dog! He is anxious around kids and only knows that his big dog breaks the ice of unknown humans and other obstacles in his life. He’s a lovely little dog and enjoys snuggling with me and our big dog. It varies on who sits/lays on my lap but both dogs are rescues and I have zero regrets! Love from any dog is priceless! Wishing you happy dog days!
Thank you so much, Julie! I agree love from any dog is priceless! Thank you for the feedback. I love hearing from my readers! Happy Tail Wags, to you! 🙂