6 Reasons Bully Sticks Are The #1 Recommended Treats By The AKC?

bully sticks

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If you’re a Chihuahua owner, you know how important it is to ensure that everything your little furry friend consumes is safe and healthy. When it comes to treats, one popular option that often comes up is bully sticks. But are bully sticks safe for Chihuahuas? Let’s dive in and find out!

Even the American Kennel Club recommends using bully sticks as a safe and healthy treat for your dog. Unlike many other types of dog bones and stick-like treats, bully sticks do not splinter, which eliminates the risk of broken pieces causing internal problems.

what are bully sticks?

Bully sticks, also known as pizzle sticks, are made from the dried and stretched muscle of a bull’s or steer’s penis. (eww! 😬)  They are natural, high in protein, and easily digestible, making them a popular chew treat for dogs. These sticks come in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable for many dog breeds, including our tiny Chihuahuas.

Benefits of Bully Sticks for Chihuahuas


These great chews are easily digestible because they break down in your Chi’s stomach. Much easier for example than rawhide, which is difficult for Chihuahuas to digest. Some chews will splinter and can become a choking hazard or even internal injuries, unlike bully sticks that will not splinter.

2. Tasty

Bully sticks are a Chi’s favorite treats because they are so tasty. They are made from a single ingredient, high-protein beef muscle. Beef is high in amino acids and amino acids support your Chihuahua’s muscles, brain, skin, and coat. There is nothing artificial, no chemicals, additives, or preservatives that dogs can be sensitive or allergic to.

3. Dental Health

These chew treats are great for your Chi’s dental health too! Although you should not use bully sticks alone to keep your Chi’s teeth clean, these chews are a great way to help maintain clean teeth. Periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases in Chihuahuas, these tough chews will help scrape plaque and tartar — the cause of periodontal disease — off their teeth. Periodontal disease can cause a variety of other health issues.

mom and boy with open box - scattered toys-bully sticks-chihuahua reaching for them
10 out of 10 Chihuahuas ask for them 😉

4. Satisfies All Preferences

You can find a bully stick to satisfy any Chi’s desire. They come in different thicknesses, and shapes. Just as Chihuahuas come in a variety of sizes, so do these amazing chews. Braided bully sticks work well for the more intense chewer.

Straight sticks will take a longer time to chew, therefore keeping your Chihuahua occupied for long periods of time. (be sure to supervise while your Chi chewing).

Does your Chi need a challenge? Try shaped bully rings that can serve as a puzzle for your Chi while he chews.

5. Long-Lasting

These great chews take longer to chew so they provide long-lasting satisfaction, but they also stay fresh for up to three years.

Be sure to adjust your Chihuahua’s daily food intake when chewing one of these chews as they are a high-calorie treat.

What’s your Chihuahua’s favorite bully stick? Let us know in the comments below

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