Have you reached your senior years? Has someone you know reached their senior years? It’s likely you have more time on your hands and you can do all the things that you always wanted to do, but didn’t have the time. I have some great training tips that will help you spend more quality time with your Chihuahua.

Think of all you can teach your Chihuahua — yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks— and how much fun that will be for both of you! But it’s helpful to have the right training equipment for seniors.
Not only can you teach him new tricks, but you can teach him to help you around the house! Here are some helpful ways to make life easier and more fun.
In-home sessions with a trainer. A great training tip for seniors is if you need help training a great way to do it is to find a good, positive trainer that will come to your home. There are some that even specialize in training seniors to train their dogs. Coming to your home lets them see what it is that you may need and if it’s something that a Chihuahua can help you with.

A Chihuahua can pick up light-weight things for you. If you are hard of hearing a Chihuahua can be trained to let you know if your phone is ringing or if someone is at the door — that probably won’t take much training for a Chihuahua! They can be trained to let you know if the fire alarm goes off or a tornado warning alarm. They may be small but there is a lot that they can be trained to do that can make life just a little easier, besides just being such great comforters.

#1 Training Equipment for seniors: Front-Clip Harnesses. The right equipment can also be very helpful as you get older. Front-clip harnesses can ease the pain of leash pulling. Believe me, even tiny Chihuahuas can pull amazingly hard!
Chihuahuas can be great therapy dogs. Perhaps you would like to take your Chihuahua to therapy organizations or to senior living facilities. This is a great way to spend time with your Chihuahua and help the community and seniors in your area! Want to know how you can get your Chihuahua certified? CLICK HERE

#2 Training Equipment for seniors: Waist Belt. A waist belt is a wonderful tool for those with arthritic hands. A waist belt allows you to attach the leash to the belt. This way the dog’s pulling pressure is transferred to your hips that are more stable than your back and shoulders.

#3 Training Equipment for seniors: Bungee Leash. A bungee leash has some stretch and this also can reduce the impact on you if your dog runs to the end of the leash.

#4 Training Equipment for seniors: Two in one waist belt and bungee leash. It only makes sense to get the two in one. A waist belt and a bungee leash together.

# 5 Training Equipment for seniors: Bring your Chi up, closer to your level. One of the many benefits of having a Chihuahua! When training a Chihuahua you can teach him to jump up on a sofa, or table and do much of your training there. Saves you from bending and straining your back. Dog steps or ramps can be useful if he can’t jump.
Deliver treats on a stick! It can be as simple as smearing peanut butter or baby food on a long wooden spoon to prevent you from having to bend down when giving treats.

#6 Training Equipment for seniors: Toys on a stick. Playing can be a good exercise that helps stop bad behavior from boredom and it can be a reward after a training session. It can be difficult for seniors to get outdoors in inclement weather or to make sure that their dog gets enough exercise each day. For those times, dog toys on a stick can be a life-saver!