6 Surprising Reasons Your Chihuahua Follows You To The Bathroom

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Why DO Chihuahuas Follow You To The Bathroom? You probably thought, as I always have, that, it’s because they want to be near us. True? Yes, but you may be surprised to learn that is not the only reason. Let’s look at 6 reasons your Chihuahua follows you to the bathroom.

All Chihuahua owners know they’re not just tiny dogs—they’re tiny, “dedicated” dogs. One of their favorite pastimes? Following you to the bathroom. Yes, even in the most private moments, there they are, right by your side. Here are six surprising (and somewhat humorous) reasons why your Chihuahua insists on being your bathroom buddy.

1. The Guardian Instinct

Chihuahuas have big hearts and even bigger protective instincts. In their eyes, the bathroom is a dangerous place filled with porcelain and mystery. Their mission? To keep you safe from the “toilet monster.” Every time you flush, they might think you’ve survived a close call. Bravo, human!

2. FOMO: Fear of Missing Out

Your Chihuahua doesn’t want to miss a single moment of your life. What if you find a secret stash of treats in the bathroom? Or discover a hidden portal to a world where dogs rule and every floor is carpeted with bacon? They’re not taking any chances.

3. The Warm Floor Conspiracy

Chihuahuas are cold-sensitive creatures. The bathroom often has nice warm tiles or a cozy bath mat. They might follow you just to claim this prime napping spot. Your Chihuahua figures that your presence means it’s time to lay on the toasty floor, their version of heated seats.

4. Mirroring Your Routine

Chihuahuas are creatures of habit. They observe your routines closely, and maybe, just maybe, they think following you to the bathroom is a necessary part of the daily schedule. If they ever get their paws on a planner, “escort human to the bathroom” would be penciled in multiple times a day.

5. The Quest for Attention

Let’s face it—Chihuahuas are attention seekers. They know that the bathroom is one of the few places where they have your undivided attention. Without distractions like the TV, your phone, or other people, it’s just you and them. They seize this golden opportunity to be the center of your universe, if only for a few minutes.

6. The Mystery of the Closed Door

Dogs, especially Chihuahuas, find closed doors incredibly intriguing. It’s like the ultimate mystery novel. What are you doing in there? Why can’t they be part of it? Following you into the bathroom solves the riddle and puts their little minds at ease. Plus, it reinforces their belief that doors should never, ever, be closed.

a curious chihuahua why do they follow you to the bathroom
Hi! Whach doin?

Bonus: The Silent Judging

Ever feel those tiny eyes watching your every move while you’re in the bathroom? Chihuahuas are known for their expressive faces. They might just be silently judging your choices, wondering why on earth you’re not using your time more efficiently—like playing fetch or doling out treats.

In the end, your Chihuahua’s bathroom behavior is a mix of love, curiosity, and a little bit of quirky dog logic. So next time they trot in after you, remember: they’re not just being nosy. They’re being the best bathroom buddy they can be. And really, who could ask for a more dedicated, if slightly invasive, friend?

Have any Chihuahua bathroom stories to share? Let us know in the comments below! Just remember, what happens in the bathroom… is probably witnessed by your Chihuahua.

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e hamel
e hamel
8 months ago

Snoopy follows me into the bathroom then goes on his pee pee pad too..

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