7 Reasons Your Chihuahua Pees On Car Tires

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When you take your Chihuahua out on a leisurely walk in the neighborhood do you stop and wave at all the neighbors? Maybe stop at every door and have a little chat? Do you know each neighbor intimately? Whether they have been ill recently, are they stressed, if they plan to have any more children, how old they are?

We all probably should know our neighbors a little better, but maybe not in such intimate detail. I’m sure you would never ask such questions the first time you met. If you would or do, then, sorry, but I’m glad we are not neighbors!

What’s So Fascinating About a Car Tire, Anyway?

What about your Chihuahua? Does he know every intimate detail about your neighbors’ dogs? If the neighbors’ dog or dogs have ever walked the same path you walk, he does. That’s how they communicate with each other and they tell each other lots of very personal information without even having to meet.

The Nose Knows

So, what do they learn by just sniffing a car tire? Each and every dog that has peed on that tire has left his or her calling card. Kinda like a post-it-note with all their intimate information. Then when your dog walks by and sniffs that tire he learns every dog’s gender, whether they are spayed or neutered. He knows if any of the female dogs are in heat. That post-it-note will tell your Chihuahua if the dogs that came before him are healthy, stressed, and whether they are an adult or a puppy.

Why Do They Prefer Car Tires Over Other Objects?

Chihuahuas, dogs in general prefer to pee on vertical things like posts, fire hydrants, and car tires. Why? In addition to all the above information, they know how tall the previous dogs were.

But the main reasons are because by peeing on vertical objects they are leaving their mark or post-it-note at nose level. A vertical object will hold the scent much longer than just peeing on the ground or objects at ground level. Urine on the ground soon fades, much sooner than urine on a pole, fire hydrant, or a car tire.

Do Females Pee On Car Tires

Yes, both male and female dogs will scent mark. Females pee on poles, fire hydrants, and car tires by raising a leg, just like a male would. They will pee while on walks and even in their own house and yard. A dog — male or female must be at least three months old to scent mark. ~ PetMD

Should You Stop Your Chi From Peeing On Car Tires?

That is a very good question. Unless every dog peed on the same car tire every day, all day, pee will wash off and even if it’s not, it won’t damage the car tire in any way. However, some people can be pretty particular about their cars. If a neighbor happens to see your Chihuahua peeing on his care tire, he just might not take too kindly to it.

You never know when a neighbor is looking out the window watching you walk by, so just to keep the peach between you and your neighbors, it might be a good idea to just reign in the leash just enough so he can’t get near enough to the cars to pee on the tires.

Up Next: Why Do Chihuahuas Love To Hang Their Head Out The Car Window?

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