8 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Chihuahuas

a group of 3 chihuahuas with white background

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There are some fascinating things about Chihuahuas that most people don’t know. Chihuahuas are the most misunderstood breed there is. Here are 8 things you probably didn’t know or were misinformed about.

Facts About Chihuahuas

  • Christopher Columbus may have brought them to America. Although it is not an established fact that they were Chihuahuas, he did mention tiny dogs in a letter to King Ferdinand.
  • They have a soft spot on their head as human babies do. As if they weren’t already baby enough. The soft spot is called a molera. Some Chihuahuas have them all their lives.
fawn colored apple head chihuahua on white background
Apple Head Chihuahua. Notice the rounded skull.
  • There are two types of Chihuahuas. The deer head and the apple head. The skull of an apple head Chihuahua is rounded, like an apple. The skull of a deer head Chihuahua is narrower and shaped similar to a miniature deer. Their snouts, legs, and bodies are also longer.
  • There is a pear head Chihuahua but fits into the deer head category. The pear head skull is flatter than a deer head.
  • A healthy adult Chihuahua can weigh anywhere between 2 to 10 pounds
  • Although Chihuahuas are teeny tiny there is no such thing as a “teacup”, “mini”, or a “micro” Chihuahua. They can be terms to describe a Chihuahua’s size, but they are not a different “type” of Chihuahua.
fawn colored deer head chihuahua laying on a green and red stripped bed with a white backgound
Deer Head Chihuahua. Notice the skull is flatter.
  • They are very intelligent, contrary to what some people believe. A Chihuahua’s brain is bigger in comparison to their bodies than other breeds. Therefore, they are very smart and easy to train.
  • The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world.
  • The Taco Bell dog of the 1990s sounded like a boy, but “he” was actually a female Chihuahua named Gidget.

Who was the voice of the Taco Bell Dog?

1998 Taco Bell Commercial

  • A pack of wild Chihuahuas took over a town in Arizona in 2014

That is actually more than 8 facts, but they are all fascinating! Have you heard more? Let us know in the comments below.

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Myra Carlin
Myra Carlin
3 years ago

Our chi, (mixed with rat terrier), a rescue from Mississippi, is becoming a family favorite. We love her dearly, along with Popcorn (who is going on 15 yrs. young). I so enjoy reading your articles and information. Please keep it up!!!

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