8 Ways to Help Your Chihuahua Through Their Senior Years

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It’s so hard to watch your baby become a senior Chihuahua older and less active. I recently lost my oldest (7-17-20). Chico was 17 years old and we miss him so very much! He came to live with us when he was 9 weeks old. He was my buddy, my bambino, my confidant, my constant companion, and my best friend.

Chico, age 17

Now my oldest is Pebbles who turns 14 on 08-26-2020 is now my senior Chihuahua. She is not in as healthy as Chico was clear up until the last week of his life. Now I worry about her. I know that many of you have or are now going through the same thing.

A loving journey of remembrance tribute video of Chico

As dogs get older they go through many changes both physically and mentally.  They will need some extra help getting through their golden years.

There are 8 things that my veterinarian told me to do to keep my senior Chihuahua as healthy and happy as possible in his declining years.

#1 More frequent trips to your veterinarian

Because so many illnesses come with age, it is a good idea to increase your yearly check-ups. Often cancers and organ diseases can happen as your dog grows older. Early detection is the key to curing or treating these ailments.

chihuahua at vet with white background

To name just a few of the ailments that usually show up as your dog gets older are arthritis, weakened immune system, pain, diabetes, and others. (Get 20% Off the best Hemp Oil product on the market ONLY THROUGH CHICHIS AND ME!)

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#2 Extra beds and blankets

As dogs get older they usually sleep more. My Chico used to follow me everywhere, toward the end of his life, sometimes I had to go look for him and would find him sleeping somewhere. He still prefers to be close to me, and yours will too. Putting a bed or soft blanket in every room will help him to do that. He can sleep and rest, but still, be close to you. Make sure they are soft. Often older dogs have stiff joints and lying on a hard floor could be painful.

an older chihuahua lying down looking out a window

#3 Keep them comfortable

As dogs get older it is harder for them to regulate body temperature. So be sure that they are cool enough in the summer and warm enough in the winter. Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold at any age, but even more so as they age. Fans in the summer and coats and sweaters in the winter may help. They may even need a sweater in the house if you like to keep it cool.

Remember that older dogs don’t regulate body temperature as well as when they are younger, so even if it’s comfortable to you, it may be too cool for them.

#4 Stairs and ramps

Just like us, as dogs get older they may have stiff joints and less mobility. If you have stairs, a ramp would be a great help for them. If they sleep with you, they may no longer be able to jump onto the bed. Again, a ramp or stairs would help. Having a ramp where needed also helps them to stay near you.

Yes, Chihuahuas are small and easy to just pick up and carry, but let them have their independence as long as possible.

#5 Diet change

When dogs get older their dietary needs change. They need more of some things and less of others. Do your research or talk to your veterinarian to help you choose the right food for your dog. Even if you don’t need to change their food, you will likely need to change the amount and add supplements.

diet is important for an older chihuahua, chihuahua licking lips as staring at dog dish full of colorful vegetables

#6 Dental care

Dental care is necessary at any age, especially for a senior Chihuahua, but even more so as they get older. Periodontal disease can cause other problems besides their teeth. It may also be harder for them to chew their food which can be a choking hazard. It may also be painful for them to chew.

dental health is so important for an older chihuahua, a chihuahua holding toothbrush in mouth

#7 Keeping active

help older chihuahua stay healthy, chihuahua being helped to swim

Staying active can keep their bodies and minds younger longer. It’s good for you too. The more active they are the healthier they will be. Continue throwing them their favorite ball or keep playing with them. Daily walks are a necessity as long as it is not painful for them. Keep in mind that now they will get tired quicker, so maybe make your walks a little shorter. Let them go at their own pace. They won’t be able to keep up with you so, slow it down.

#8 Weight control

Just as older dogs need different nutrients, they will also need fewer calories. It’s so important in their senior years to maintain a proper weight. Keeping active as long as possible will help and feeding them less of the right food will also help. Give them healthy vegetables and they may need vitamins and dietary supplements.

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1 year ago

The tribute to Chico touched my heart so much! One of my Chi’s was a little girl named Chica, she passed when she was 15. She was a blessing to my husband and me and we also, will never forget our baby. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
God bless!

Richard Forsyth
Richard Forsyth
4 years ago

I truly know how you I lost my little buddy Charlie on April 27th this year. He was only 10 years old. I still miss him very much and I guess I always will. I have a new little buddy his name is Charlie junior but I call him CJ. He was born just a few hours after Charlie passed away. His birthday is April 28th. I live to think that God sent Charlie back to me. I guess only time will tell.

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