More Than 60 Chihuahuas Miraculously Survive Head on Crash

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More than 60 Chihuahuas were recovered from a Chevrolet Astro van that crashed head-on with a tractor-trailer rig at 12:45 a.m. Jan. 3, 2023, on U.S. 54 near Vaughn, New Mexico.

According to the New Mexico State Police accident report, the driver of the van stated that the Chihuahuas were rescue dogs and were being taken to a shelter in Juarez, Mexico. However, the phone number on the accident report was an area code for southwest Missouri.

It should be noted though that Missouri is one of the US states that has the most puppy mills on record. It is more likely that these poor dogs were on their way to being sold to pet stores around the US.

When the van that was carrying 84 Chihuahuas crashed, 64 were alive and 18 were dead. The van was towed to the Santa Rosa dog kennel in the early morning hours of Jan. 3, 2023.

chihuahua lying in red and white bed looking at the camera

This cutie is not up for adoption

Mayor Kotiar said it was feared there may have been more than 100 dogs in the van, and that perhaps more than 20 Chihuahuas had escaped the accident scene and might be exposed to the elements and predators.

Christy Trujillo, Santa Rosa animal control director, was able to secure a paper, signed by one of the van’s passengers, releasing the Chihuahua from the head on crash to Santa Rosa.

Seeking help with the dogs, too numerous to be cared for in the city kennel, Santa Rosa reached out to area animal shelters and rescue operations. All of the surviving dogs were placed in shelters or foster homes. EMCAP took 48 of the Chihuahuas.

Foster said 18 of the Chihuahuas recovered from the crash in EMCAP’s care were adopted out after the organization’s January adoption event.

Keenan Foster, an EMCAP director, said the Chihuahuas now up for adoption are dogs that were experiencing health issues just after the accident, dogs that were pregnant then, and Chihuahuas born since the collision.

All of these needed to get healthy enough to be adopted. They have been vaccinated and those that are old enough were spayed and neutered.

These are the moms, all the babies born and dogs we needed to get healthy enough for adopting,” Foster said. “They have been vaccinated and those that are old enough have been spayed or neutered.” He said there are 18 puppies available for adoption this time around.

Thirty-two Chihuahuas, survivors of the head on crash, are ready now ready for their next step to a better life.

East Mountain Companion Animal Project, a Moriarty animal rescue operation, held an adoption event for these dogs today (Sunday, March 19, 2023.

woman purple shirt holding black and white chihuahua

Some were adopted by nearby residents

As of this writing, only a few Chihuahuas involved in the head on crash have been found running free. A week after the accident, ranchers in the area reported they had found and rescued two Chihuahuas. A motorist from Illinois traveling on US 54 found another and took it to the Santa Rosa Police Department. These were adopted by area residents.

A spokesman for the EMCPA said a fourth Chihuahua, malnourished and pregnant, was found in February. He said EMCAP took that dog in and is caring for her until she and her puppies are ready for adoption.

What About The Driver?

Apparently, the driver fell asleep at the wheel of the van. The driver, his wife, four-year-old son, and nine-year-old daughter were also in the van. The driver and his wife who was sitting in the passenger seat were the most seriously injured.

The 41-year-old driver of the van and his 21-year-old passenger were not seriously injured.

The Albuquerque, New Mexico Journal called the 4th Judicial District Court to inquire about the status of the case but had not received that information by the deadline.

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