What Is The Best Treatment for Allergies In Chihuahuas?

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Dogs with allergies are more common than you may imagine. Dogs are much closer to the ground — Chihuahuas are even closer than most dogs — than we are. Therefore they are at risk to inhale and absorb through their skin many more allergens than we are. So, what is the best treatment for allergies?

Types of Allergies

There are all kinds of allergies and it is very difficult to diagnose exactly what your Chihuahua may be allergic to. Just to name a few, they are:

  • Flea Allergies
  • Seasonal
  • Environmental
  • Food Allergies

Allergies are one of the top reasons for veterinarian visits. We see hundreds of patients a day at our veterinary hospital and the common complaints are: “He just scratches himself constantly”, or “He’s always biting his paws”.

Most Common Symptoms

If your dog scratches, licks, chews, or bites himself or his paws he most likely has allergies. Other symptoms are:

  • Itchy skin
  • Scratching
  • Licking
  • Face rubbing
  • Red skin
  • Loss of fur
  • Recurrent skin and ear infections
  • Anal Gland Problems
  • Digestive Problems
  • Constant Diarrhea
  • Hot Spots

Treatment For Allergies

Treating allergies is expensive and rarely works. Most veterinarians will prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids, both can be expensive and they are on-going, which means your dog will have to be continually treated.

Because of all the licking and scratching your Chihuahua does it often causes a bacterial infection which will also have to be treated.

Why Conventional Treatments Are Not The Best Treatment For Allergies

What causes allergies is when the immune system recognizes allergens and toxins in the environment, and in the air as enemies and begins an attack. This causes your Chihuahua to react to things in his food or environment that are normally safe.

The drugs that are given for allergies suppress your Chihuahua’s immune system. Oh, they will keep your dog from showing symptoms of allergies, however, that leaves your Chihuahua wide open to cancer cells, viruses, and bacteria that can grow because your Chihuahua’s immune system is not functioning to defend his body from these threats.

So, the actual benefit of the drugs comes at the price of putting your Chihuahua at risk of much more serious diseases. That is way too high a price in my opinion. Wouldn’t you agree?

What About Prescription Diets For Allergies?

Often your veterinarian will prescribe dog food — only sold at veterinary clinics and hospitals — for allergies. The problem with that is that they all contain harmful ingredients. Please see: Is The Food From Your Veterinarian Better?

Natural Treatments Are Better For Your Chihuahua

Natural treatments for allergies are so much better for your Chihuahua’s health because they treat the allergy without suppressing the immune system, thus putting him at risk of much more serious diseases.

best treatment for allergies, chihuahua scooting butt on ground
Allergies can cause anal gland problems, butt scooting often may be a sign of an allergy

Keep in mind that not every dog responds to the same treatments. You may need to either combine or change remedies before you begin to see changes in your Chihuahua.

First, try changing your Chihuahuas diet to a fresh, whole ingredients dog food. Either one that is delivered to your door or by creating your own. However, just because it is homemade does not mean it is nutritious or balanced.

Fresh Homemade Dog Food

There are two fresh dog food delivery companies that I recommend. My dogs have eaten — and greatly enjoyed! — both and the difference that I saw was nearly immediate. They are:

Spot & Tango

Why Spot & Tango?

  • Spot & Tango has 12 simple ingredients (ingredients that dogs are rarely allergic to).
  • Are formulated by veterinary nutritionists (they have extensively studied nutrition for dogs)
  • All plans are personalized for your Chihuahua’s ideal weight, activity level, and preferences)
  • Buy through ChiChis And Me and get 50% off!


Why NomNom?

  • Sourced, cooked, mixed and packed with care
  • USDA Grade A ingredients that are approved for human consumption. 
  • Each ingredient is gently cooked separately to ensure it maintains its optimal nutrient capacity
  • Formulated to be nutritionally balanced by Dr. Justin Shmalberg who is a practicing veterinarian, a professor of veterinary medicine, and one of less than 100 board-certified veterinary nutritionists in the country.
  • Each recipe includes a custom mixture of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Choline, and Taurine to work hand-in-hand with each whole food ingredient. 
  • Buy through ChiChis And Me and get 50% off!

Make Your Own

I have written a book with all the knowledge you need to make your own homemade dog food. I’ve done the research for you and you will learn step-by-step about canine nutrition and balanced diets plus 5 of my own recipes to start you out with a serving size guide.

Natural Treatments

Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil (CBD OIL) has been known to help with skin allergies of all kinds as well as many other health benefits. If you have been considering trying Hemp Oil to treat your Chihuahua’s allergies, the best one, hands down is HempMyPet. If you try it through ChiChis And Me get 20% off!

Hemp oil products can help with other health issues as well, such as arthritis, anxiety, and more. If you purchase the wellness bundle which includes CBD oil, treats, and coconut oil through ChiChis And Me you save $20. plus you get 20% off of that!

Topical Treatments

Coconut oil infused with hemp oil as been known to help with allergies both applied topically or taken orally. Through ChiChis And Me get 20% off!

Only Natural Pet has the best natural products for allergies.

Skin and Itch Allergies

best treatment for allergies, ad for only natural pet



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