I want to introduce you to each of my Chihuahuas starting with my Remedy Jane.
How Remedy Jane Came To Us
In my journey of blogging and advocating for Chihuahuas, I meet a lot of Chihuahua-loving people. In 2015 I met a woman who had a litter of Chihuahuas that needed homes. These were Chihuahuas with a unique color and pattern known as merle.

I fell in love with a little blue merle puppy with one blue eye. I’ve never had more than two at a time, but you know what they say, you can never have too many Chihuahuas. (when this post was first written in 2015, I only had Chico and Pebbles. Now I have 4 and it’s true…you can’t!) That is as long as you are able to give them all the individual love and care that they need.
It turned out that this individual didn’t live far from me and I was able to visit her and watch my puppy grow until she was old enough to come home with me. I saw pictures and videos as she grew.
She was born on May 15, 2015, and we brought her home 8 weeks later. She was so tiny, but she didn’t stay that way. Generally, merle Chihuahuas tend to be bigger than the average Chihuahua, although Chihuahuas can be anywhere between 2 to 10 lbs and more if they are a mix.
When I first wrote this post, Remedy was 4 years old and weighed about 7 lbs. She still weighs 7 to 7.2 lbs. Even though she is no longer a puppy, I made her ChiChis And Me’s puppy ambassador. She wants to help all Chihuahua moms (mums) and dads raise a happy, healthy, well-behaved puppy to be a great addition to their family.
A Very Scary Accident!
When Remedy was only 9 months old she was attacked by a Mastiff that lived behind us. It was a very scary experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. As it turned out she wasn’t badly hurt. She spent the night in the hospital and was on intravenous antibiotics and pain medication, but had no internal damage other than tissue damage.

She loves people and thinks that all the people she meets are required to give her lots of pats, petting, and love. But, because of her experience, she naturally is very cautious of other dogs. We are working on that and she is much better than she was right after the accident.
Remedy’s Personality
Remedy is a very cautious Chihuahua which stems from her ordeal as a puppy. Any new experience frightens her and we have to take the time to condition her to any new experience. Once she realizes that it is not scary, she is up for anything! She loves to be outdoors more than anything. She chases birds and squirrels in our backyard and feels that she is on guard duty 24/7.
She is smart as a whip and learns commands quickly. She is not as stubborn as Pebbles and therefore is eager to do anything for extra playtime or a special treat.
Favorite Game
Going for a walk is her all-time favorite thing to do! Although she is wary around dogs she doesn’t know, she L- O- V- E- S people. She loves every human being she comes in contact with and thinks that every single human being she meets should stop and pet her. She gets so excited her whole butt wags with her tail.
But her favorite indoor game is to play tug or chase the treat. A game I made up and named “chase the treat” is her very favorite. You have to have some stairs somewhere in your house to play this game. One person stands at the top of the stairs and one stands at the bottom.
I tell her to sit and to stay. Then the person at the bottom of the stairs (usually my husband) will call her by saying “come”. She will run at top speed to the bottom of the stairs and that person will tell her to “sit” and “stay” and when she complies they give her a treat. Then I will call her back up the stairs, do the same, and so on. Each time she is called she is asked to do a different task. For instance, “sit”, “down”, “shake”, “stand”, etc. We have to keep her guessing what she will be asked to do next.

Not only does she LOVE this game, but it also wears her out and therefore is great exercise. A great game to play on days with inclement weather.
Her Favorite Toy
Remedy’s favorite toy is any toy she can play tug with. She does have a special fondness for one of her stuffing-free toys and they are almost indestructible!.
I’d like to hear about your Chihuahua too. Just tell us about your beautiful and unique Chihuahua in the comments below.
Then go on over to our photo gallery and see our other reader’s photos from all over the world! and submit your Chihuahua’s photo and tell our readers about them.