What Does It Mean to be Dominate?

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When it comes to training our dogs, we hear the word “dominance” or “alpha dog” all the time. What exactly does that mean? Some people think that it means to be pushy, bossy, or even to show that they are angry with them when a dog does something wrong. And what in the world does “negative punishment” or “positive punishment”  mean? That’s all in this post, so, get your coffee or your wine, whichever you prefer and let’s get started! 

As a Chihuahua pawrent you’ve no doubt thought about training. All dogs need training and that includes Chihuahuas. Without some type of training or house rules your sweet tiny little puppy will most likely turn into a holy terror. He or she will take over your house. 

Do you have a favorite chair? Not anymore, your little terror has taken it over and growls or snarls anytime someone dares to even attempt to sit in it.

You get the picture, we all know or have met at least one growling, snarling Chihuahua. It’s not pretty.

How Does A Dog Learn?

So, let’s dive into the subject of training, and learn how dogs learn and the difference between positive reinforcement training and dominance or alpha dog training methods. Before you begin to attempt training your Chihuahua you need at least some understanding of just how they learn.

Canine behaviorists have spent years studying the science of how dogs learn. The answer is there are two processes to how a dog learns. 1. Classical conditioning and 2. Operant conditioning.

Classical Conditioning:

Classical conditioning is learning by association and can happen involuntarily. Over time dogs learn to react to specific signals or stimuli that happen every day in their environment.

For example; does your Chihuahua get excited when you reach for their leash? Or do they start barking when they hear the doorbell? These are behaviors that they learned with classical conditioning.

Operant Conditioning:

Operant conditioning on the other hand is more complicated. It requires control of the learning environment. It involves rewards and punishments (hold the “hate mail” and keep reading).

This type of conditioning helps the dog to understand that actions have consequences, good and bad. It works by either adding or taking away something the dog sees as pleasant or desirable. 

For example; adding a treat and taking away something they see as unpleasant like pressure from a choke chain (again, hold the “hate mail” and keep reading).

All professional trainers use operant conditioning techniques, however positive reinforcement dog training, and dominance based training use entirely different approaches

dominance based or positive based dog training-chihuahua touching person's hand


Today, most dog trainers use positive reinforcement training methods. That is when your dog is doing something you want or asked him to do you then reward with praise or a favorite treat. 

Positive reinforcement training is recommended by canine experts However, because there is no consequence for negative or unwanted behavior, experts agree that it should be used in conjunction with negative punishment. 

But, hold your outrage … negative punishment doesn’t mean reprimands or violent or cruel actions. Instead it involves taking away something the dog finds pleasant or desirable. Our dogs see this as being both a negative and a punishment.

Example; When your dog jumps up you turn around. The negative is you depriving him of what he wants, that is your attention. Another example is when a puppy bites or nips you walk away. Again, the punishment is no attention and no play time with you.

What a dog wants most from you is attention and by taking it away you are discouraging unwanted behaviors. Done enough times your dog will realize that behavior is not getting him what he actually wants, so he will stop.

chihuahua wearing an electric collar is dominance based dog training method
Shock collars don't belong on any dog, especially a chihuahua

what is dominance based or alpha dog training method?

Dominance or alpha dog training was the norm several decades ago and it is based on the pack behavior of wolves. Using this approach, the goal is to make sure dogs understand that a human is the “alpha” or the pack leader.

Since then scientists have learned that the perceived pack behavior of wolves was wrong in the first place and that our pet dogs are far far removed from their wolf instincts. See: The Alpha Dog Myth

This type of training focuses on positive punishment — “positive” means something is being added, not that the punishment is favorable. In fact, it’s the opposite. This method involves “adding” something undesirable when the dog exhibits an unwanted behavior. 

Example; when a dog jumps on you he then gets a swat on the rump or a shock from a shock collar. Or worse; putting the dog in a submissive position; also known as “flooding”. Both are just plain cruel! 

finding the right trainer

Dominance or alpha dog training methods have been denounced by experts and veterinarians alike, however, you will still find some that use this method.

If you are looking for a dog trainer don’t be afraid to ask questions! Lots of specific questions. Some unscrupulous trainers try to hide the fact that they use this method.


free on-line dog training workshop

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