If your Chihuahua is a picky eater or won’t eat it should not be ignored. In this post, you’ll learn some reasons why your Chihuahua might not want to eat and what you can do about it.
Most Chihuahuas love to eat. Some will eat anything you put in front of them. But when your Chihuahua seems uninterested in eating it can be very troubling. It’s important not to just ignore it because if they are not getting enough nutrients regularly it could cause problems later on in life.
Are you at your wit’s end trying to figure out why your Chihuahua is a picky eater? Have you tried everything and nothing seems to help?
Perhaps people have told you; “When they are hungry they will eat”, or “They won’t starve.”
While it is true that eating is in their DNA and is a survival instinct, knowing that only makes it more worrisome when it is your Chihuahua. So let’s learn what some reasons for it may be and what you can do to help.
The following are some reasons your Chihuahua may not be eating and what you can do about it.
"The very first thing you should do is have your Chihuahua evaluated by your veterinarian. There could be a medical reason your Chihuahua doesn't want to eat."
1. Your Chihuahua May Be sick
This is what most of us worry about.
If your Chihuahua has always been enthusiastic about meal time and you suddenly notice a drastic change in his eating habits, get to the bottom of the problem as soon as possible. It could be a sign of a medical issue that may cause issues if left untreated.
Just like us, dogs don’t feel like eating when they are sick. Chihuahuas get tummy upsets for all kinds of reasons and it’s pretty common.
These common tummy aches and viruses should go away after a couple of days. However, if he is also vomiting or having diarrhea or if he doesn’t want to eat for a couple of days you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
2. your dog food may have gone bad
Even though dry dog food or kibble has a long shelf life, the oils in the food can turn rancid. If there are grains in the food tiny mites can appear that you may not even be able to see. Always check the expiration date.
Our Chihuahuas have a much stronger sense of smell than we mere humans. If they don’t want to eat, the food you are feeding them could be the issue.
Consider giving your Chihuahua fresh food and see if their desire to eat improves. What you feed your Chihuahua matters.
3. your chihuahua could be in pain
Consider if your Chihuahua might be experiencing some pain. If you notice him flinch when he tries to get up or walk, or when you pet him he could be suffering from pain.
Possibilities are an internal obstruction or other health problems. With Chihuahuas, it could be dental issues. Gingivitis is very common in Chihuahuas and can make it painful to eat.
If you suspect dental issues, arthritis, or other health issues by all means have him checked by your veterinarian.

4. is your chihuahua adjusting to a new routine or environment?
Dogs are creatures of habit. They thrive when they have a routine. If something in their environment or routine has changed it may cause him to turn away from food until he becomes more familiar with or adjusts to a new environment or routine.
Chihuahuas are very sensitive and can be emotional little creatures, so changes may very well upset them until they adjust.
When we go out of town and stay in a hotel or a friend’s or family’s home mine won’t eat for a day or so. Or they may eat a lot less than usual.
5. Is your chihuahua getting older?
As your Chihuahua gets older his body changes too. Their sense of taste and smell may also change. Older Chis tend to be less energic and move around less. They may sleep more. Even their favorite foods may change. As a result, older Chihuahuas need fewer calories.
Dogs’ bodies change as they grow older. Along with it, their food preference and sense of taste and smell could also change. Older dogs tend to be less energetic and move around less. As a result, they no longer need to feed as much as they used to.
6. perhaps your Chihuahua is feeling stressed
As mentioned Chihuahuas can be very sensitive little dogs. Any change big or small could cause them stress. Have they gotten a new bowl? Are you moving? Think of anything in their environment or routine that may have changed. If you think this may be the issue, shower them with love and just give it some time and he’ll soon be eating normally again.

7. Your Chihuahua may simply be full
It sounds too simple but it’s true. Some Chihuahuas will eat whatever you give them whether they are full or not — like humans. That’s why there are so many overweight Chihuahuas — like humans. However, others only eat when they are hungry. All Chihuahuas are different even in their eating habits. Try feeding them a little less at each meal and see if their appetite improves.
8. it may be side effects from medication
Medications and vaccinations can cause your Chihuahua to lose his desire to eat.
If your Chi just started on a new medication or recently got vaccinated it may simply be a side effect of the medication or vaccine. His appetite should return in a day or two.
If it does’t you should let your veterinarian know. They may prescribe another medication or it may be a good idea to get only one vaccine at a time. Many vaccines that your Chihuahua routinely gets may not be unnecessary. Some vaccines are given 3-5 in one shot which can be too much for a tiny Chihuahua. Talk to your veterinarian about it.
If you have recently adopted a new dog whether young or old your Chihuahua could be afraid of it. If the new dog is a more dominant one and yours is a submissive one this could be the cause of your Chihuahua not eating. Age doesn’t necessarily mean anything in this instance. Even a younger dog could have a more dominant personality than your Chihuahua.
Even if your new pet is not a dog your Chihuahua could be afraid of it. If this is the case try separating them during feeding time. Give your Chihuahua a peaceful place to eat away from other animals in the house.
Refusing food doesn’t necessarily mean they are sick. Like humans dogs can have a food preference. They may reject the taste or the texture.
You may need to experiment for a while. Have you changed the brand of dog food? Different flavors? He simply may not enjoy it.
Try adding bone broth to the food. Add some fruits or vegetables to their food. Just be sure they are safe for dogs to eat. Try different ones until you find one your Chihuahua enjoys.
Try fresh dog food. Fresh dog food with nutrient-rich ingredients is easier to digest, and much tastier. My dogs go crazy for NomNom, and I think yours will too. Just click the button below to try it today and get 50% off!
We switched and this is the result: My Cora Loving Her NomNom! She is no longer a picky eater!