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Linda Hempler, an expert in the Chihuahua breed and owner of

Hi! I’m Linda, a Chihuahua breed expert with over 30 years of experience. I have dedicated my career to studying, understanding and ultimately becoming one of the leading authorities on Chihuahuas. 


Why Do Chihuahuas Like To Burrow? A Peek Into The Tiny Tunneling World Of The Chihuahua

Have you ever almost sat on your Chihuahua before you realized he was completely buried under a blanket or throw? If you share your home with a Chihuahua then you have probably noticed this pint-sized pup engaging in some rather adorable, mole-like behavior.

Yes, we’re talking about their penchant for burrowing. Whether it’s diving under a blanket, nestling into a pile of pillows, or creating a cozy nook in the laundry basket (sorry about the fur on your clean clothes), Chihuahuas seem to have an innate need to burrow. But why exactly do these tiny canines love to tunnel? Let’s dig into this mystery!

The call of ancestry

To understand the burrowing habits of Chihuahuas, we need to take a little trip back in time. Chihuahuas are descendants of the Techichi, a small dog that was domesticated by the ancient Toltecs of Mexico. These ancient pooches were likely accustomed to sleeping in dens or burrows to stay safe and warm. Fast forward a few centuries, and our modern Chihuahuas still carry these instincts. So, when your little Chi is burying itself under a mountain of blankets, it’s simply tapping into its ancestral roots.

two chihuahuas side by side howling-white background
It's The Call of The Wild!

the quest for warmth

Let’s face it, Chihuahuas are small. With their tiny frames and short coats, staying warm can be a challenge. Burrowing into soft, warm materials helps these little dogs retain body heat. It’s like their version of curling up with a hot cocoa on a chilly day. This behavior is especially prominent in cooler climates or during winter months when they need that extra bit of warmth. Or even in the summer when the indoor temperature is fine for you, but may be too cold for your little Chihuahua

seeking security

For such a small dog, the world can be a pretty big and intimidating place. Burrowing provides a sense of security and comfort. It creates a small, enclosed space where they can feel safe and protected from potential threats (even if those threats are just the vacuum cleaner or a particularly noisy thunderstorm). Think of it as their own personal fortress of solitude.

it's a comfort thing

Chihuahuas are known for being affectionate and sometimes a bit clingy with their owners. Burrowing allows them to be close to you or your scent, which is incredibly comforting to them. If your Chihuahua is snuggling into your bed or couch cushions, it’s their way of feeling close to you, even if you’re not right there beside them.

a chihuahua peeking out of bed covers between a man and a womans feet

natural instincts

Dogs, in general, have a natural instinct to dig and burrow. In the wild, canines dig to create a cool spot to lie down in hot weather or to unearth food. While your Chihuahua might not be hunting for dinner in your living room, these instincts can still manifest in their behavior. It’s all part of the doggy package!

the fun factor

Let’s not forget the simplest explanation: burrowing is fun! For many Chihuahuas, diving into a pile of pillows or tunneling under blankets is a playful and enjoyable activity. It’s a way to burn off energy and engage in a bit of exploration, even if it’s just within the confines of your living room.

in conclusion:

So there you have it. The next time you find your Chihuahua happily ensconced in a blanket fort, you can appreciate the myriad reasons behind this charming behavior. From ancestral habits to the quest for warmth and security, your little Chi’s burrowing is a testament to its rich history and adorable personality.

Plus, who can resist the cuteness of a Chihuahua peeking out from a cozy burrow? Not us! So, grab an extra blanket, fluff up those pillows, and let your furry friend tunnel to its heart’s content. After all, a happy, burrowing Chihuahua is one of life’s little joys.

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Irene Sloboda
Irene Sloboda
2 months ago

This is definitely without a doubt my two Chihuahua fur babies!!! Never did any of my other dogs do this, but only my Chihuahuas!!! And yes I agree with Linda Dempsey, it’s mostly at night, but then that’s when they are in bed with me.

I love Chihuahuas, their personalities are just unbelievable, and out-of-this-world cute!

Last edited 2 months ago by Irene Sloboda
Linda Dempsey
Linda Dempsey
2 months ago

This sounds just like my Fur Baby He loves to burrow under the covers especially at night

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Chihuahua Sense-understanding & shaping chihuahua behavior

This guide is designed to help you understand common Chihuahua behaviors, identify the root causes of any issues, and provide practical tips for correcting unwanted behaviors. Whether you’re a first-time Chihuahua owner or an experienced dog lover, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you’ll need.

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