A Chihuahua Rescue Story – How One Little Chihuahua and His Mom Rescued Each Other

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This is a Chihuahua rescue story about Vader written by me and told to me by her mom, Paulina.

Vader and his mom are from Tucson, Arizona, USA. Vader is a Deerhead Chihuahua approximately 5 to 7 years old. His age is unknown because he was rescued from an abusive home. Here’s how the story begins:

a Chihuahua rescue story of Vader, an abused little deerhead Chihuahua
Beautiful little Vader

Paulina had just lost her precious Chihuahua named Choco. They had been together for almost 13 years and she was not even close to even thinking about the possibility of another Chihuahua, or any pet for that matter, in her life. Choco was her very first experience as a Chihuahua mom and she loved him dearly.

She had never had a Chihuahua before Choco. He was a beautiful chocolate Chihuahua and his name is short for chocolate. He was missed so much and Paulina says she was so blessed to have had him in her life for those 13 years.

But, 6 Months Later…

Then it’s six months later and Paulina says she was still not ready for another dog to be in her life, as she was still missing Choco. I can relate, can you? Anyone who has lost a Chihuahua in death can relate to the terrible pain and loss. Although we all grieve the loss of a precious Chihuahua differently, we all can understand what it is like to suddenly not have your best friend and daily companion in your life anymore. (update: I lost my precious Chico two days after this published).

But, as Paulina puts it, fate had other plans for both of them and she is so very grateful that it did and to be a part of that plan.

A Chihuahua Rescue Story In Paulina’s Own Words:

“Vader, had a very rough life before we met. It breaks my heart every time I talk about it with anyone who’s ever had an interest in my Vader. He was severely abused by his previous owner/owners. It took a little over 6 months for my little guy to finally stop hiding and spending all his time behind our toilet.

It’s heartbreaking! What had Vader been through and endured in his life for him to want to sleep, hide, and spend his days behind a toilet bowl? And what makes it worse, is when you get to know this little man a little better. He is the most loving, best behaved, and, Obedient dog I’ve ever known, met, or owned. He was even potty trained. A more perfect Chihuahua could not be found! I couldn’t have asked for a better dog.”

Who Rescued Who? (or is it whom? I can never get that right!)

Paulina Continues:

Even though I didn’t think I was ready, he couldn’t have come into my life at a better time. Not only did he help me with my grief but he also saved my life. I was really struggling with depression at that time. Sometimes it would be so bad, suicidal thoughts would start forming. But the better we got to know each other, the closer we’ve become, and the healthier my mental state got and everything negative that entered my life, never stayed long.

Because, there would come my Little Vader, almost like a superhero with his “Dogpool (Deadpool lol)” cape and chase all the negativity away. My little chihuahua is not just my pet or dog. He’s a part of my family.

And it’s not only to me but also to my son and every person he comes in contact with. Thanks for listening and I hope you guys can find a spot for my little guy cause he surely deserves it.!.!.!. CHIHUAHUAS RULE!!!”


I’m so happy that Paulina found Vader and that Vader found Paulina. I can’t thank Paulina enough for sharing her amazing Chihuahua rescue story with us! It is so true that Chihuahuas are little superheroes!

But most importantly, it gives me a chance to talk just a little about depression and mental illness. I too have struggled with depression throughout my life and I can attest to how much my little Chihuahuas have helped me through some very difficult times.

Depression Is Widespread

According to The National Alliance on Mental Health;

“Depression is a widespread issue in the U.S. affecting about 40 million adults”. Thankfully, there is a much better understanding of this mental health issue than there was even just a few years ago. There are many things that can help someone with depression, talking either to a trusted friend or a psychologist or a psychiatrist is one, but there is also an array of different medications.

Medications that work on different kinds or types of depression, because the chemicals in the brain that cause depression affect different people in different ways, so different medications are needed.

How Our Chihuahuas Help Us

But, our Chihuahuas (any pet, actually, but we are Chihuahua people here) “play an integral part in our emotional well-being”.

There have been studies done that show how dogs — Chihuahuas — reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. They help with feelings of loneliness, encourage exercise — which also helps with depression.

Did you know that people with dogs — Chihuahuas — have lower blood pressure and have less risk of heart disease? The act of playing with our Chihuahuas elevates oxytocin and dopamine in our brains that create positive feelings.

So, be sure to hug your Chihuahua(s) today for all they do for us humans and thank them for letting us share our lives with them.

Do you know the saying “everyone has a story”? It’s true of all of us and our Chihuahuas have stories to tell too. Does your Chihuahua have a rescue story? Maybe your Chihuahua rescued you! Perhaps he has a special talent. Or does he have a story about overcoming an obstacle in his life? And of course, we all love funny stories.

They also say that there is a writer in all of us! This is the place to share your story with us! Because we are a community of Chihuahua lovers from around the world and we all want to know about other people’s Chihuahuas too.

I will publish here on our website YOUR story!

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