Part 5: Non-Core Vaccines Continued:
This is part 5 of our series; “A Complete Guide To Your Chihuahua’s Vaccines”. In this post, we will continue the discussion of what non-core vaccines are. As we as what diseases they protect your Chihuahua from. You will be able to make an informed decision about which non-core vaccines you want for your Chihuahua and why. Or whether your Chihuahua really doesn’t need any of the non-core vaccines. If you missed the first three installments you will find the links to them below.
Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
Kennel cough is a term that covers any infectious or contagious condition of dogs where coughing is one of the major signs. The infection affects the trachea or “windpipe” and the bronchial tubes.
Is Your Chihuahua at Risk for Kennel Cough?
Kennel Cough is very contagious and can be transmitted even by casual contact. Sniffing each other when on a walk, playing, or sharing water dishes. The likely hood of your Chihuahua getting kennel cough depends on your lifestyle. If you board your Chihuahua or have him groomed at a groomer’s, there is a lot of stress for your Chihuahua involved.

Not only can they get it by casual contact, but stress, cold temperatures, exposure to dust or smoke, and crowded conditions can also increase the possibility of your Chihuahua getting kennel cough. Most boarding facilities and groomers require that your Chihuahua be up to date with his vaccines including the non-core vaccine for kennel cough.
Most cases of infection resolve within one or two weeks. It is typically treated by a week or two of rest, but the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to prevent a secondary infection and to ease the symptoms
Issues With the Bordetella Vaccine
The effectiveness of the Kennel cough vaccine is neither foolproof nor does it last very long. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association advises the vaccine for kennel cough may actually cause coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge for 3 to 10 days. In other words, they are saying that the non-core kennel cough vaccine causes kennel cough and kennel cough outbreaks.
What is Giardia?
Giardia is actually a parasite that inhabits the intestines. Mammals, (including humans) birds, and amphibians can get giardia. There are many different subspecies of giardia and each targets a specific group of animals. However, they all have the same life cycle and are transmitted the same way.

Giardia is easily treated with probiotic supplements and a simple diet of boiled chicken and brown rice. Preventing diarrhea is important so be sure he has plenty of fresh water and avoid any food or treats that may upset his stomach even more. Your veterinarian may also prescribe something for diarrhea.
Is Your Chihuahua at Risk for Giardia?
In order for your Chihuahua to contract giardia, he must ingest it through contaminated water, feces, or anything that is contaminated. He must have access in his yard, on a walk, dog park, or in a boarding situation with another animal that may have it, and your Chihuahua would have to eat that animal’s feces or drink from that dog’s or other animal’s water source.

Most dogs that are infected with giardia do not get any disease. If they do it usually causes diarrhea. Should your Chihuahua get infected with giardia, usually all he needs is rest, plenty of fresh water, and boiled chicken with brown rice. You want to prevent him from becoming dehydrated. If diarrhea becomes severe your veterinarian may prescribe medicine to help relieve diarrhea. So, do you think the non-core vaccine for giardia is really necessary for your Chihuahua?
What’s Next?
Part 6, of our series, Guide to your Chihuahua’s vaccines will discuss the side effects of each vaccine and the latest information on how often your Chihuahua really needs a booster vaccine. Be sure to subscribe to our “weekly tips” email so you won’t miss it! When you subscribe you will also receive as a bonus a FREE e-book entitled; “How To Housetrain a Chihuahua“. If you missed parts 1-3, no worries, just click the button below and you can begin with part 1 and find the links to parts 2 and 3.
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