A Cute Chihuahua Encounter With Some Unusual Friends

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A two-year-old Chihuahua named Squeeze has a cute Chihuahua encounter with some unusual animal friends. Squeeze is playing happily with three raccoon babies in a viral video on TikTok. 

The new buddies can be seen jumping around together and clearly seem to be having a lot of fun!

“She’s the happiest dog I’ve ever met, she loves all people and animals,” Squeeze’s owner, Jules, told Newsweek.

However, experts warn that despite this cute Chihuahua encounter, pets playing with raccoons can be dangerous. As wild animals, racoons are not always so friendly to dogs, and this can lead to injury. It’s also important to note that raccoons can also carry diseases such as rabies.

Fortunately, everything went okay with Jules and her doggo Squeeze – and over three million people have already enjoyed the heartwarming footage!

TikTok users flooded the comments section with their thoughts on the video.

“It’s hard to watch others live your dream,” joked one commenter as another added that the scene is “what I expect to see in heaven.” Mini Zoomies with raccoons. I just want to watch this all day!” was another one out of over 2,670 comments. It got over 593.2K likes and over 33.5K people saved it.

Read more awesome news stories about Chihuahuas: 

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