A Story of 2 Brave Little Chis Overcome Some Huge Obstacles

two chihuahuas that overcome obstacles

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This amazing story is about two chihuahuas that overcome obstacles and the bravery and resiliency that they showed.

two chihuahuas that overcome obstacles
Kip & Midge

This inspiring and heartbreaking story of 2 brave Chihuahuas that overcome obstacles is as told by Kip & Midge’s owner, Deb Petrichko, February 6, 2020, with a few grammatical changes.

“I adopted Kip and midge in October 2017. They were 10-week old sisters. I was told by the rescue that they each had A right rear deformed leg and because of that, they were dumped at a shelter by the breeder.

When they were shipped to me, they in fact had four severely deformed legs and a diaphragmatic hernia which allowed their stomach organs to work through the opening and press against their hearts and lungs.


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In spite of having all these obstacles to overcome, they were the happiest little girls. They didn’t know that they were supposed to be able to run and jump and breathe easily. Their life was what it was and they were happy. I gave them as much love, treats, toys and special beds as possible in the two years that they lived.

Kip passed at 21 months and Midgie passed three weeks before her second birthday. Because of their deformities and difficulties, I began studying Reiki which helped with breathing and pain. And going forward their legacy will be that I will continue to perform Reiki on animals.”

What Is Reiki For Chihuahuas?

I only recently learned about Reiki for dogs. Reiki pronounced Ray-key, is a type of energy healing used in alternative and holistic care for both humans and dogs. Some have claimed amazing results. Does your Chihuahua need it?

chihuahuas that overcome obstacles


Thank you so much, Deb, for sharing this touching story of two chihuahuas that overcomes some very difficult obstacles with us! I want to express my sincere condolences for your loss. This is an amazing story, indeed, but, you are an amazing person for rescuing those two little angels!

two chihuahuas that overcome obstacles

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