A True Super Food For Your Chihuahua!

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If you are a regular reader of ChiChis And Me then you know that I am passionate not only about Chihuahuas but also about their health and well-being.

I have the privilege of working with some amazing pet companies that are also passionate about the health and well-being of pets that provide products or services that meet my high standards of excellence.

spot and tango in a bowl with a blue merle chihuahua lying in front of it.
Remedy with her Spot & Tango!

I am an avid advocate for feeding dogs fresh, real food. Why? Because it is simply a fact that dogs live longer eating real food, they spend less time at the vet — saving you money — and best of all you and your Chihuahua have more time together to make happy memories!

Why Fresh Food?

Fresh human-grade dog food can make a real difference in your Chihuahua’s health! I know this from personal experience. Years ago I did two years of research on manufactured dog food today — that is a whole other post. From dry kibble to canned, to the raw and frozen dog food that you find in pet specialty stores. The result was I have never again fed my dogs anything but fresh, human-grade food.


Veterinarians point to the many health benefits of feeding fresh food to your dog. Increased energy levels, a shinier coat, and relief from allergies just to name a few. I work part-time in a veterinarian hospital. We have 7 doctors at our hospital. I conducted a survey one day ….. each and every one of them feed their own pets fresh food. Either food they make themselves (I don’t recommend that unless you are a vet) or from a fresh food delivery service.

Don’t ask your vet what he or she recommends. Why? Because most veterinarian clinics and hospitals sell commercially manufactured dog food — even a veterinarian clinic or hospital is a business, after all. Instead, ask them point-blank what they feed their OWN pets. If they are honest, they will tell you what my own veterinarians told me.

Why Spot & Tango?

I would like to introduce you to Spot & Tango. Why Spot & Tango?

  • Their ingredients. Their ingredients are sourced from local farms. They use whole ingredients that you know and recognize.
  • Their recipes. Their recipes are made with lean protein, fresh fruit, and veggies, high-quality carbohydrates sourced from local farms. Nothing artificial! No preservatives, no fillers, period!
  • Money-back guarantee. They have a 100% happy pup guarantee. If your Chihuahua doesn’t like it, they will refund your money. It’s that simple!
  • Spot & Tango’s recipes exceed expectations across the board. Their formulas were perfected with animal nutritionists, so vets approve. It meets the requirements of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and their kitchens are USDA-certified.
3 spot and tango recipes in bowls
Left to right: Turkey & Red Quinia, Lamb & Brown Rice, and Beef & Millet
  • It’s SO convenient! It is delivered fresh right to your door! You open the package and put it in your Chihuahua’s bowl! We all live busy lives nowadays! We hardly have the time or energy to eat healthy ourselves, so if you are concerned about convenience, nothing — certainly not kibble — is easier or more convenient! You don’t even have to make a trip to the store!
  • Customized meals! Every dog is different, indeed, every Chihuahua is different. Spot & Tango takes your individual dog’s needs seriously. You tell them about your Chihuahua and they will customize a meal plan that is portioned just right for them. One that is especially for the Chihuahua breed and according to your Chi’s age, weight, and activity level.
  • Your chihuahua will love it! Even the Chihuahua with the most discriminating taste will love it!

Most of you know about my little Pebbles. She has an enlarged heart and a mass on her heart and was given a week or less to live almost a year ago. My veterinarian is amazed at how long she has lived! He and I both agree that it is because of her fresh food diet! Because her heart is pressing on her esophagus it is very difficult for her to swallow. It takes her a very long time to eat as she will only swallow a grain-sized bite at a time. But, she loves her fresh food so much, she eats every single bite in her bowl! Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this has kept her alive.


Is your Chihuahua Overweight?

We are all well aware of how important for a Chihuahua’s health it is to be at their ideal weight. But, for some, that is easier said than done. I visit Chihuahua owners at the hospital about that all the time. I feel their pain. They know it is not healthy, but just don’t know how to change it. Many say that cutting down on portions and exercise is not enough for their Chihuahuas.

spot and tango for overweight pets. an overweight chihuahua in vet office with x-ray of heart showing
Being overweight puts a Chihuahua at risk for a number of health problems

Maintaining a healthy weight for your Chihuahua depends not only on the quantity of dog food your Chihuahua eats but also the quality.

Spot & Tango uses real meat selections, without by-products, and includes chicken, lamb, beef, and fish. Cooked at low temperatures, Spot & Tango recipes result in high nutrient content and extra flavor.

Because their recipes are specially portioned for your Chihuahua’s ideal weight and activity level, it helps you to combat his or her obesity without even having to think about it.

Why I Love It!

There are many fresh dog food delivery services to choose from and more are cropping up each day. The one thing that stands out and makes Spot & Tango the best, in my opinion, is the ingredients. Besides the usual protein and carbohydrates, they add other ingredients that are also important for your Chihuahua’s health that the others don’t. For instance:

Turkey and Red Quinoa has the usual protein and carbohydrates but also has apple and parsley. Why is that important?


Apples are important for Chihuahuas because of their antioxidants and vitamin C, which some vets believe help with degenerative conditions like joint disease, and for the fiber, which can contribute to overall gastrointestinal health.  The fiber in apples can slow digestion, helping with weight control. The phytochemicals and fiber in apples have antioxidant effects that may protect a cell’s DNA from oxidative damage, which is a precursor to cancer. 


Parsley is rich in a variety of important vitamins and minerals for your Chihuahua. Parsley is a natural source of Vitamin C, A, and K. Vitamin C helps to provide immune support. Vitamin A is important for the development of your Chi’s vision and immune health. Parsley is one of the best natural sources of Vitamin K you can give to your pet. Vitamin K helps maintain a healthy blood clotting system and promotes liver health.

Their Lamb and Brown Rice recipe has blueberries and parsley.


Blueberries are jam-packed with many nutrients that can make a great addition to your dog’s diet. Blueberries contain antioxidants, which are known to have anti-aging properties and are known to improve the health of animals. Blueberries are also packed with Vitamins C and K, fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.

The Beef & Millet recipe contains millet, cranberries, and parsley.


Millet is rich in minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium as well as essential vitamins like folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and Vitamins B6, C, E, and K. This ancient grain has numerous heart-protective properties. It is high in fiber (less poop and less odor!) and is gluten-free.


People call cranberries a superfood for good reason: They have all kinds of health-boosting benefits. They protect against liver disease, lower blood pressure thus has heart benefits, and improves eyesight, and may prevent urinary tract infections (UTI).

From ChiChis And Me you can try it today for 20% off! And with their money-back guarantee, that’s an offer you surely can’t refuse.

You can let others know of this fantastic offer by sharing this post on your social media. Just click one of the icons below:

Disclaimer: If purchased from the links here ChiChis And Me will get a small commission. However, everything stated is written by me and is my honest opinion.

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