A Woman Got Into Something Way Over Her Head

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Although this story took place back in 2015, it remains a lesson for us.


I advocate for Chihuahuas. Chihuahuas that are abused, abandanded, alone, scared, and in need. That’s why I don’t think much of backyard breeders, puppy scammers, high-kill shelters, and especially puppy mills!


However, after saying all that, I don’t think the woman in this story is a monster. I think she started out with good intentions and just got way over her head and it all got out of control. Let me know what you think after you read this post in the comments below.


Although, she may have started out with the right motives, she was not prepared to be a responsible breeder.  A person may have the right motives, however, if they are not well versed in the science of breeding, they are referred to as a “backyard” breeder. If you start out with a few dogs and you don’t spay and neuter them, it can become an overwhelming situation. I think that is what happened in this case.

Courtesy of LARIMER COUNTY, Colorado and Channel 31 News

she did the right thing

he Larimer Humane Society called this a unique case in that these dogs weren’t in any danger and they weren’t living in squaller. This woman just got in over her head and became over whelmed.


However, rather than automatically condemning her, she should be commended for having the presence of mind to voluntarily turn them over so that they can be properly cared for.

The story from a newspaper in Colorado of a backyard breeder:

As Larimer Humane Society Humane Law Enforcement Capt. Bill Porter carried a trembling Chihuahua to a transport van Tuesday, the animal shed a tear. The dog and 62 of its companions were part of the largest animal rescue Larimer Humane Society has coordinated since 111 live bunnies were taken from a Pinewood Springs home following the September 2014 floods.


A LESSON FOR OTHERS considering becoming a "backyard" breeder.

This should be a lesson to anyone who has ever thought about becoming a breeder. There is much more involved in being a responsible breeder than most people realize. A responsible breeder isn’t in it for the money and therefore does not keep more dogs than they personally can care for.


It also takes a financially responsible person to make sure that they have the financial means to properly care for them. So, if you have ever considered becoming a breeder, think carefully and do your homework first. It takes much time, money, and work. Before starting anything like this, you must understand what is involved and always have the dogs’ well-being in mind! See our list of responsible breeders.


This video is from the Denver area, but if you are considering adopting a Chihuahua, check your local shelter. Shelters everywhere in the US have more Chihuahuas than any other breed.

Again, although this story took place 9 years ago at this writing, it is a valuable lesson for us. You CAN find a Pure-Bred Chihuahua at a shelter rather than resorting to buying one from a “backyard” breeder!

Before adopting, do your homework and understand the breed. Subscribe below for expert tips about this unique breed, its health, nutrition, training, and behavior.

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