Are Anchovies Good For Your Chihuahua?

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The little fish with a big role to play

How do you feel about anchovies? Anchovies — you either love them or you hate them! Me? I hate them. But should you give your Chihuahua anchovies?

Anchovies are seeing a resurgence in the human health food world as an exciting source of calcium, protein, and vitamins. But do anchovies have the same benefits for your Chihuahua?

package of fresh blue anchovies
Anchovies rich in omega-3 fatty acids

It turns out that anchovies also provide calcium, protein, and necessary vitamins for dogs, but they are also rich in something that is particularly beneficial for our Chihuahuas. That is omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Don’t Dogs Get Enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Commercial Dog Foods?

The truth is that while most commercial diets have more than enough levels of omega-6’s, they lack adequate levels of omega-3’s.

The most recent research from the veterinary community now recognizes that supplementing omega-3/s can be essential for our Chihuahua’s joints, coat, brain development, and skin.

Canine Arthritis and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Chihuahuas of any age can develop arthritis, however, it is most common in our senior Chis. Arthritis in our older Chihuahuas starts with damage to the cartilage lining of the joints, becoming more painful with the subsequent inflammation as they continue to use those damaged joints. While you cannot repair the existing damage, this fatty acid’s anti-inflammatory properties can benefit those arthritic joints.

Other Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Our Chihuahuas

Relieving arthritic pain is not the only health benefit of these necessary nutrients. They can also help to improve your senior Chihuahua’s memory and mental health. But, that is not all! They also improve the healthy growth of the brain and eye tissue of younger and newborn Chihuahuas.

close up view of chihuahuas right eye with tear. sad chihuahua
arthritis can be very painful

Recent studies have indicated that it is useful in the treatment of both renal and heart disease in our Chihuahuas AND has the potential to slow the progress of some types of cancers! Omega-3 fatty acids are a major component of a multiple approach to the health and pain management of our senior Chihuahuas. Helping them to live longer and more comfortably in their senior years.

How Does It Work?

EPA and DHA are known as long-chain fatty acids. They are major building blocks for cell membranes and function. These tell the body when to reduce inflammation and are an important part of the maturation of particular cell types.

A higher level of DHA is important during early development and a greater level of EPA is more essential in the later stages of your Chihuahua’s life. As your Chihuahua ages, the ratio of EPA to DHA changes.

Senior Diets and Supplements VS Anchovies

Therapeutic and senior diets with omega-3 fatty acids abound. As do, fish oil supplements. So, there’s that. However, when choosing one you must be aware of the makeup of the product. Some mass-produced options will simply say “fish oil” but do not provide the analysis. Many include vegetable and seed oils. Neither of these can be processed to produce omega-3’s.

I use flaxseed oil in my homemade dog food, and it is a common alternative source. However, even though humans are quite good at producing this during the metabolic conversion of flaxseed oil, our Chihuahuas (all canines) only utilize about 10% of flaxseed to produce omega-3’s. Of course, this significantly reduces the usefulness of flaxseed oil in providing enough omega-3’s in your Chihuahua’s diet.

This is where the anchovy comes in. Anchovies are rich in EPA/DHA and it is the perfect candidate to provide the nutritional benefit our Chihuahuas need. When reduced to a rich oil, it can be found in the form of a capsule or a liquid.

As Always, There is a Note of Caution!

Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Always! Although learning about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for our growing, arthritic, and dermatologically challenged Chihuahuas is exciting, we must use caution, just as we should with any other dietary supplement.

brown chihuahua looking very surprised pink background
What do you mean there are anchovies in my food? You know I hate anchovies!

For one thing, they are excellent for reducing the discomfort of arthritis, but too much can actually slow the natural healing process that relies on inflammation. The condensed fish oils are also higher in calories and can potentially lead to obesity if given in excess. Choosing one of inferior quality or manufacturing can also lead to toxin exposure or nutrient overdose.

It is important to know the benefits as well as the risks and discuss them with your veterinarian nutritionist or nutrition specialist. They will be able to take into account your Chihuahuas medications as well as body condition, weight, diet, and growth stage. With this knowledge, these trained professionals can determine the correct level of supplementation.

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