The Best Pet Carriers For Small Dogs

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The best — one of the best — things about Chihuahuas is how portable they are! I love taking my three places! Whether it’s shopping, for a stroll, to the park, visiting friends, or traveling, they usually go with me. See The Ultimate Guide To Traveling By Air With Your Chihuahua.

I also love to shop! Well, really, who doesn’t? If you don’t love to shop, then this post is for you too! Pet travel is a breeze if you have the right equipment. There is no getting around it, you have to buy things. Necessary things for your dog or even just fun things. If you hate the hassle of going shopping, now there is the wonderful convenience of online shopping!

dog harness, purple for pet travel
Remedy in her favorite harness (see below to get yours!)

With that in mind, I want to share with you some of my favorite on-the-go items with you. Traveling with a Chihuahua can be a breeze if you have the right equipment. You’ll need a good harness and a Chihuahua carrying purse or bag. Some I have used, some I use now, and some that are on my wish list.

First things first. You can’t (or shouldn’t) go anywhere with your dog without a halter (or harness, if you prefer) and a leash! So that’s where I’ll start. Here are 5 of my favorites!

Best Halters For Small Dogs

Anytime your dog is walking, you should always use a harness to attach the leash to and NOT the collar. If you are traveling with a Chihuahua safety comes first and you’ll need to have a dog carrying purse or bag. The best pet carriers have a safety buckle. Never buckle your dog in a carrier attached to a collar. If an accident happened or your dog suddenly decided to jump out he could be hanged by the collar.

A halter should be of a soft breathable fabric for comfort. Imagine if you would, going shopping with skinny straps around you all day, chaffing, and digging into you. Doesn’t sound very pleasant and if you asked your dog, I think he would agree with me.

traveling with a chihuahua
traveling with a chihuahua using a harness
traveling with a chihuahua using a harness

Perhaps you are looking for something a little more stylish, but still comfortable?

pet travel using a stylish halter and lease
traveling with a chihuahua using a harness and leash

The Best Pet Carriers

Indulge me for a moment while I dream of traveling to fabulous places with my dogs. Three would be a challenge, but I’d just bring my three best pals to help!

best pet carriers for pet travel

Imagine you have traveled to a city with a quaint shopping area. Imagine yourself strolling down any of these streets with your dog.

Sigh ….. Here are 5 of the best pet carriers for small dogs that you can buy! Even if you aren’t in the market now, check them out and bookmark this page as your wish list. See Pet Travel Safety.

Carrier Bags

best pet carriers, dog carrier purse
best pet carriers, dog carrier bag
best pet carriers, dog carrying bag
best pet carriers, pet carrying purse
best pet carriers, air travel with a chihuahua

So, there’s no need to stay at home with your dog. In fact, getting out and going places are good for them physically and emotionally!

Some of these are affiliate links and I may get a small commission if you buy, but I only recommend products that I have had, have now or know of their quality from companies that you can trust.

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