How would you answer? Do you think grooming your dog is just another chore? Do you put it off because, after all, “it’s not that big a deal”?
If you did, you would be wrong. Grooming your Chihuahua, even your short-haired Chihuahua can contribute to their health and well-being in one way or another.

How so? We’ll talk about them one at a time. These are grooming tasks that should be attended to regularly:
- Nail Trims
- Ear Cleaning
- Keep eyes free of goop
- Baths
- Teeth brushing
- Fur Brushing
- Long-haired need trimming
Nail Trimming
If your Chihuahuas nails are allowed to get too long they will tend to curl and may dig into the paw pads until it makes walking painful.
Extra-long nails can even change your Chihuahua’s gait. This can cause arthritis, injuries, and other problems.

The longer the nails are the more at risk they are of being torn off. This can be painful and bloody. A ripped off nail may even need stitches.
Does your dog hate nail trims? Which is worse; them being upset for a few minutes or possible permanent damage or pain?
Hate The Hassle Of Trimming Your Chi’s Nails?
Easy steps to trim your dog’s nails without the hassle. Is there such a thing as easy nail trimming when it comes to your Chihuahua?

Ear Cleaning
Why is ear cleaning such an important thing? Ear infections are very common simply put, very painful! If you regularly clean your Chihuahua’s ears you may prevent the next ear infection.
When your Chihuahua’s ears become infected it requires a trip to the vet and medication. Both result in vet bills. Cleaning your dog’s ears regularly may save your Chihuahua from a painful ear infection and spare you the moola!
Keeping eyes goop free
Goopy eyes can cause sores that lead to infection. If your Chihuahua is one that has goobers form in their eyes often, keep them clean. Wipe their eyes at least once a day with a warm wet washcloth.
At least gently clean them out during a bath, if you must, take them to a groomer. Just don’t let it build until there is an infection. The longer you ignore them the more likely there are to be sores underneath. Again, this causes your dog pain and a vet bill for you.
I’m often asked how often you should bathe your Chihuahua. Unless your dog goes outside and rolls in poop or other stinky stuff, you should bathe them once a month. If you bathe them too often it strips away the natural oils from their skin causing dry, flaky, itchy skin.
While bathing your Chihuahua you have a chance to touch them all over. You can detect little bumps. Bumps or lumps can be perfectly harmless or they can be a sign of something serious. Bath time is a good time to check for them and catch a possible health threat early.
Teeth Brushing
I have mentioned this many times before, but a good reminder never hurt. Regular brushing can prevent tarter that leads to gum disease. Just like with humans, gum disease can lead to many health problems.
Gum disease can weaken the surface of your dog’s gums. The breakdown of the gum tissue then allows mouth bacteria to enter into his bloodstream and travel throughout his body.

This oral bacteria is very potent and is hardy enough to resist attacks by your Chi’s immune system. If left untreated the bacteria can affect multiple organ systems, including your pet’s heart. Don’t miss: Is Your Chihuahua at Risk of Heart Disease?
The Chihuahua breed is especially prone to tooth problems and gum disease. They have the same number of teeth as all dogs, however, their mouths are tiny. This makes for a very crowded mouth.
How many Chihuahuas have you seen with their tongue hanging out? That is because of lack of dental care has caused gum disease and resulted in the necessary removal of the tooth or teeth. If there are no teeth, there is nothing to hold the tongue in the mouth.
Keeping their coat brushed is a good way to cut down on the pet hair in your house, on your furniture and on your clothes. Even short-haired Chis need regular brushing.
This is another opportunity for you to look for any lumps or bumps on the skin. It is also the time to check for fleas and/or ticks.
Trim Butt Hair
Long-haired Chihuahuas need the hair around the anus kept short. Even Short-haired Chihuahuas can have “feathers” around the butt area. If it is not trimmed regularly feces can become trapped in the hair and this can even prevent your Chihuahua from pooping at all. Them they become impacted causing pain and requiring a veterinarian to remove the poop under anesthesia.
What Does All This Mean?
I know that these regular tasks can be time-consuming, and sometimes even a big hassle. Some of it is not fun. Everyone is guilty of neglecting some part of the grooming routine at one time or another. I admit, I am one that sometimes is neglectful. Nail trimming is my nemsis!
My three Chihuahuas are very cooperative with nail trims, but I am nervous every time that I will nip the quick and cause them pain. My Chico’s nails are black and that makes it even harder to see the quick so not to cut the nail too close.

However, I never let it go too long, because I know how important nail trims are for my babies. I advise that if you simply can not bring yourself to do any of the above necessary things for your Chihuahua, please have them done on a regular basis by a professional groomer.