Welcome to this series about canine vaccines. Most dogs get one or more annual vaccinations at their veterinarians. Have you ever wondered about each vaccine? What is it? Why is my dog getting it?
What No One Tells You About Canine Vaccines – Introduction
I work at a veterinary hospital and every day I bring up vaccines for the doctors to give to our patients. But, most of them don’t know what they are actually for and why they are necessary other than their veterinarian’s recommendation.
Immunology expert Ronald Schultz, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine), has spent much of his career studying animal vaccines.

Dr. Schultz was also one of the few vaccine experts to point out that the yearly recommendation included on vaccine labels was not based on any scientific studies nor ever scientifically validated! He does not believe that a vaccination protocol should be a one size fits all but rather should be based on each individual dog and their lifestyle.
10 Questions You Should Ask Before You Get Your Dog Vaccinated
- Are there possible dangerous adverse reactions?
- What are the symptoms of a reaction?
- What is the difference between core and non-core vaccinations?
- What vaccinations does my dog really need according to where we live or our lifestyle?
- Do all veterinarians recommend the same for vaccines?
- What is each of them for?
- At what age should they start (or stop) getting vaccines?
- How often should they be vaccinated?
- What are the ingredients in vaccines?
- Is it possible to over-vaccinate a dog?
Are There Possible Dangerous Adverse Reactions?
The simple answer is yes. These can be injection site reactions from visual lumps, swelling, permanent hair loss, and discoloration of the skin, to more severe reactions including, lethargy, anorexia, fever, severe soreness/discomfort, diarrhea, vomiting, arthritis, seizures, and behavioral changes.
Some symptoms of an adverse reaction are:
- Fever
- Sluggishness
- Loss of appetite
- Facial or paw swelling and/or hives
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Pain or swelling around the injection site
- Collapse, difficulty breathing, and seizures (anaphylactic shock)
What Are Core and Non-Core Vaccines?
Core vaccinations are those that are considered vital to all canines based on a universal risk of exposure, the severity of disease, and the risk of transmission to other dogs or human beings. They are:
- Parvovirus
- Distemper
- Hepatitis
- Rabies
Non-core vaccines are those that are considered optional for three reasons:
- They don’t work as well
- They don’t protect for very long
- They’re more dangerous
Most veterinarians routinely give a vaccine called DHPP that is a combination of:
- Distemper
- Hepatitis
- Parainfluenza
- Parvovirus
- Coronavirus
That means your dog is getting five vaccines in one shot. Two of which are non-core vaccines, whether it’s necessary or not.
What Vaccinations Does My Dog Really Need?
If it is a non-core vaccine, then you need to consider the ingredients and efficacy of the vaccine, and your lifestyle before you give it to your dog. Then weigh the benefits vs risks.
For instance, some of these diseases are contracted only from contact with other dogs, urine, feces, saliva, etc.

If your dog is strictly a stay-at-home dog, one that never goes to the Dog Park, or groomer, or is never boarded, chances are they don’t need it. Or, they may not need it every year.
Some vaccines are for diseases a dog can get from a wild animal. If your dog lives in the city or urban area, he’s not likely to come in contact with a wild animal.
Do All Veterinarians Recommend the Same Vaccines and Annual Protocol?
Most do. That is simply because that is what they learned in veterinarian school and what the label on the vaccines themselves say.
But, more and more veterinarians are beginning to question why. There are more holistic and proactive veterinarians that are not blindly following the norm. They are more interested in the individual patient rather that the one size fits all approach.
What is Each Vaccine For?
This is a question you most certainly should ask before you get your dog vaccinated. In this series on canine vaccinations, I will break down each vaccine and you’ll learn what each is for, about that disease, the ingredients of the vaccine, it’s efficacy, the likelihood of your dog contracting this disease, and if your dog needs one every year — or at all.

Canine vaccines are life-saving. This series is NOT to discourage you from getting your dog vaccinated. It is to empower you to be your dog’s advocate so you can make an informed decision that is right for your dog!
All of these questions and more will be included in this series on Canine Vaccinations. These will be about a month apart, so you don’t want to miss any!
Next up: What No One Tells You About Canine Vaccines – Part 1, Parainfluenza