Our April 2021 Chi of the Month is Two for One! Meet Merlin & Rufus!

Merlin & Rufus’s photo was sent to us by Shannon Edwards From Washington, Indiana, USA
This is what Shannon Told us:
These two little guys love to look out the windows. We have a lot of squirrels in our yard and Merlin and Rufus watch for them constantly! Rufus actually sounds like he’s crying when he spots one and then Merlin growls at them until they get out of sight, they are so funny to watch! I find myself on the floor looking out the windows with them, sometimes we have to make the rounds to 4 or 5 windows until they lose sight of the squirrel.
They just get so excited when they see one, they are so adorable and so small but they think they can take on the world if something invades their territory. I love spending time and just watching them be Chihuahua’s. Hard to believe such small dogs can have such a huge personality. They love to snuggle up with me once they’ve defended their territory, always have them both on my lap or as close as they can get to me. I cannot imagine my life without these two sweethearts, love them dearly!
From ChiChis And Me
How cute! Thank you so much, Shannon, for sharing with us these two little darlings! How much you love them shows in your writing! It is my honor to share Merlin & Rufus with all my readers, subscribers, and followers!

Let’s all send Merlin, Rufus, our April 2021 Chi of the Month, and their mom some love! Be sure to thank her for sharing their story in the comments below:
Don’t forget to follow us on social media & like and comment on Merlin & Rufus’s official photo on our Facebook page! And then head on over to our Instagram page and follow us there, then comment on their official Instagram Photo. The official Facebook and Instagram photo looks like this:

About our Chi of the Month Contest
Our Chi of the Month contest is not really a contest at all! Every photo sent to us will be a winner. However, we get so many entries each day and there is only 12 months in a year, you may have to be patient before you will see your beautiful Chihuahua as our Chi of the Month. But, keep watching for it, because everyone is a winner!
Why Enter?
What and all our Chi of the Month winners receive is: This write-up is, their very own dedicated web page for the whole world to see for years to come! Their Photo will be prominently featured on our website’s home page for the whole month of April! Your Chi’s photo will be featured on our Facebook Page, and on our Instagram page, (the total number of followers and visitors to our website is over 1.1M! from all over the world!) for all the world to see and to show friends and family just how amazing he is!