Meet Dakota!
Dakota, our August Chi of the Month belongs to Liana Mari
From Roma Italy!
Let’s all congratulate Dakota! He is the winner of our August 2020 Chi of the Month Photo Contest! Dakota looks very comfy and warm all snuggled up in a blanket. Simply adorable! Green just happens to be my favorite color too!
What Dakota’s mom tells us:
Well, what else is there to say? Dakota certainly looks very princely! Short, but sweet and to the point!
Let’s all give Dakota, our August 2020 Chi of the Month winner, and his mom, Liana, a great big CONGRATULATIONS! Be sure to congratulate both Dakota and Liana in the comments below. Show them how much you love Dakota and that you appreciate Liana sharing him with us!
Be sure to follow us on social media & like and comment on Dakota’s official photo on our Facebook page! And be sure to head on over to our Instagram page and like us, then comment on Dakota’s official winning Instagram Photo. His official Facebook and Instagram photo looks like this:
This is Dakota’s very own dedicated web page! He was featured on our Facebook Page, and on our Instagram page, (the total number of followers and visitors to our website is over 1.1M!) for all the world to see and now this is Dakota’s very own dedicated web page to show friends and family just how fabulous and famous he is for years to come! He is definitely a STAR!
Want your Chihuahua to be a STAR? Learn how to enter yours and why it’s such an honor to be chosen just click the button:
Anyone can teach you how to train a dog, only an expert in the Chihuahua breed can teach you how to train a Chihuahua.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to overcome their stubborn tendencies
- The best techniques for training a Chihuahua
- 5 easy steps to correcting unwanted behavior
- How to avoid these common mistakes
- Learn step-by-step how to teach your Chihuahua to:
- Sit
- Down
- Stay
- Come
- Enough