Meet Amanda!
Amanda belongs to Laurie Plescia
Amanda is our August chi of the month! Amanda is a brown and white adorable little Chihuahua who just loves to browse all the Chihuahua facebook pages with her mommy. Laurie feels very lucky to have such a cute little companion to share her day and her life with.
Amanda feels very lucky to have found such a happy, loving home with Laurie where she will always feel safe, cared for and loved!
I’m not sure, but I think her favorite Facebook page is ChiChis And Me Facebook page.
We think that Amanda is very cute and lucky to have such a proud mommy that wants to share her little bundle of joy with the whole world!
Amanda is our August 2019 “Chi Of The Month”! and has her very own dedicated web page! She was featured on our Facebook Page, Famous Chihuahua’s Facebook page, our Instagram page, and Famous Chihuahua’s Instagram page for all the world to see and she will have her very own page to show friends and family just how famous she is!
Congratulations Laurie! Amanda is now an official Chi of the Month, fabulous, famous Chihuahua! You can now share this page with family and friends by clicking on one of the social media icons at the bottom of this page.
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