Chi of the Month — January 2022

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Meet Our January 2022 Chi of the Month, Journey!

It’s here! Meet our January 2022 Chi of the Month! You’ll love this little ones story that her mom shared with us, so keep reading.

Look, mom! I’m a Supawrstar! 🌟

Journey’s Photo was sent to us by Sarah Thomas from Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

Here’s what Sarah told us about Journey:

Journey, our January 2022 Chi of the Month:

“is the ultimate therapy dog! She had some big shoes to fill when I lost my furry best friend, Mia, in October of 2018. When I saw her I knew she was the one! She was already 7 months old and had been promised to another family in Colorado. They didn’t think her size would be a good fit for their family, which then made her available again-perfect timing a godsend.

The night before I found her on the internet, I cried to Mia out loud and said, It’s been 6 months and “I can’t get over your passing. My heart is truly broken. Help me heal!”I believe Journey was a gift from heaven. She resembles Mia as well, which initially got my attention. It was meant to be. She has helped me heal and just knew what she needed to do to win everyone’s love

She is truly perfect in every way. I am so amazed. She is so sweet, so smart, and can read me like a book. She has been great with the kids and has become best buds with my Yorkie mix, Jeepers, who too was heartbroken (when we lost Mia).

She loves to drag herself like a superwoman across the floor to be cute. She loves to curl around my neck every morning when I wake up to greet me. She plays with Jeepers my Yorkie-mix, my 2 cats, and my quaker parrot. They are an amusing bunch for sure. She is an amazing chihuahua and has made my heart whole once again.

From ChiChis And Me:

Congratulations! Journey and Sarah! Journey is very beautiful and unique! Don’t you agree? I love her markings, like the black around one eye (like a pirate!) and her sweet expression. She looks like she can see the person you are deep inside. I am in love with her! Again, thank you so much, Sarah for sending us a photo of your beautiful pup so we could share it with everyone!

In addition, Journey’s photo will be posted on all our social media for all the world to admire! Our website, social media, and newsletter subscribers are viewed by over 1.1M in total, she is truly a supawstar! Watch out for the paparazzi, Journey! Be sure to like and congratulate little Journey and her mom in a comment below and in a comment on her official photo on our Facebook page, and on our Instagram page, Leave a comment on her hall of fame page on our website too!

Your photos do NOT need to be professional, but having professional photos of your Chihuahua will look beautiful forever. Create lasing memories.

Why You Need A Professional Pet Photographer

The professional pet photographer will not only provide you with images that you never thought possible but will shoot thinking about colors and composition. Professional lenses are able to capture the light and details that no point-and-shoot camera or iPhone can. A professional pet photographer is skilled at taking photos of not-always-cooperative subjects. With prices that start as low as $100. why wouldn’t you?


Of course, let’s all send Journey, our January 2022 Chi of the Month, and her mom some love! Be sure to thank her for sharing their story in the comments at the bottom of this post: 👇

Don’t forget to follow us on social media & like and comment on Journey’s official photo on our Facebook page! Then head on over to our Instagram page, follow us, and comment on her official Instagram Photo. If you are on Twitter, follow us there too. The official Social Media photo looks like this:

About Our Chi of the Month Contest:

Our Chi of the Month contest is not really a contest at all! Every photo sent to us will be a winner. However, we get so many entries each day and there are only 12 months in a year, you may have to be patient before you will see your beautiful Chihuahua featured as our Chi of the Month. In addition, it can take up to a year to appear here, so keep coming back and Checking, because everyone is a winner! When you submit your photo, don’t forget to enter your Facebook and/or Instagram on the form so we can tag you when yours is chosen!

Why Should You Should Enter Your Chihuahua In Our “Chi of the Month” Contest?

What Journey and all our Chi of the Month winners receive is: Your beautiful Chi is featured on his or her very own dedicated web page (like this one) for the whole world to see for years to come! In addition, his or her Photo will be prominently featured on our website’s home page for the entire month! Your Chi’s photo will be featured on our Facebook Page, on our Instagram page, and on our Twitter page, (the total number of followers and visitors to our website is over 1.1M! from all over the world!) for all the world to see and to show friends and family just how amazing she or he is!

Our Chi of the Month will be featured in our monthly newsletter where subscribers all over the world will see and admire your adorable Chihuahua! So be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter so you won’t miss your Chi being featured. When you subscribe you will receive exclusive Chihuahua information every month.


Feature Your Chihuahua On Our Instagram:

While you are waiting for your Chihuahua to be chosen as our Chi of the Month:

Tag your Chihuahua’s photo: @chichisandme and I will feature it on our Instagram and tag you. Or Email us your Chihuahua’s photo with the subject line: “Instagram Feature” and I will feature it on our Instagram and tag you.



Be sure to follow us on Social Media!

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