Chi of the Month — June 2021

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Our June 2021 Chi of the Month! Meet Alcide!


Beautiful little Adcide’s photo was sent to us by Melanie Provance from Oroville California, USA

Here’s Adcide’s mom told us about him, our June 2021 Chi of the Month winner!

“Alcide is about 4 years old and weighs a little over 3lbs. He has been a part of our family for a little over a year. I found him in a for-sale ad on Craigslist. The ad said he was 3 years old and they needed to get rid of him because they got their daughter a new Si Tzu puppy, and that there just wasn’t a reason for him to be a part of the family any longer and they wanted $150.00 for him.

The ad was from a town 300 miles away from us. I immediately contacted the woman. And she told me if I was willing to drive 300 miles to get him that she’d just give him to me. She wanted him gone more than she wanted money.”

Adcide Becomes a Part Of His New Family

“My husband and I dropped everything and immediately went to pick him up. He is the sweetest dog ever. Although the family lived in a very nice neighborhood and seemed well off, he had never been outside to go to the bathroom. They said he wouldn’t use a leash. He also was left in a small cage almost 24/7. The woman stated that he was allowed out a few minutes a day to eat.

We gladly took him and headed home. He didn’t have a name, so we named him Alcide. Mostly because he has the same coloring and markings as a werewolf named Alcide on one of my favorite shows, True Blood. He immediately took to me and can always be found cuddled next to me wherever I am. Contrary to what his previous owner had said he loves to go on walks outside and handles the leash just fine.

He never barks or growls. Unless the doorbell rings, of course. Then it sounds like we have a 60lb dog ready to attack. He loves to chew on Buffalo tripe twists. And loves running around the living room playing fetch. He is a wonderful perfect addition to our family and he will always be our baby.”

From ChiChis And Me:

Oh my goodness! Isn’t he beautiful! What a lovely story! I’m so glad that you shared it with us! We are honored to feature Adcide as our June 2021 Chi of the Month!

Alcide’s photo will be posted on all our social media for all the world to admire! Viewed by over 1.1M in total, so, he is truly a supawstar! Watch out for the paparazzi, Alcide! Be sure to like and congratulate little Alcide and his mom in a comment on their official photo on our Facebook page, and on our Instagram page, Leave a comment on his hall of fame page on our website too!

Let’s all send Adcide, our June 2021 Chi of the Month, and his mom some love! Be sure to thank her for sharing their story in the comments at the bottom of this post:

Don’t forget to follow us on social media & like and comment on Adcide’s official photo on our Facebook page! Then head on over to our Instagram page, follow us, and comment on his official Instagram Photo. The official Facebook and Instagram photo looks like this:

About Our Chi of the Month Contest:

Our Chi of the Month contest is not really a contest at all! Every photo sent to us will be a winner. However, we get so many entries each day and there are only 12 months in a year, you may have to be patient before you will see your beautiful Chihuahua featured as our Chi of the Month. But, keep watching for it, because everyone is a winner! When you submit your photo, don’t forget to enter your Facebook and/or Instagram so we can tag you when yours is chosen!

Why Enter Your Chihuahua In Our Chi of the Month Contest?

What Adcide and all our Chi of the Month winners receive is: Their very own dedicated web page (like this one) for the whole world to see for years to come! Their Photo will be prominently featured on our website’s home page for the entire month! Your Chi’s photo will be featured on our Facebook Page, and on our Instagram page, (the total number of followers and visitors to our website is over 1.1M! from all over the world!) for all the world to see and to show friends and family just how amazing he is!

We also feature our Chi of the Month in each issue of our Monthly Newsletter. You won’t want to miss it when yours is featured, do you? Our newsletter is not the usual newsletter. It is packed full of interactive information, Chihuahua news, and videos. Subscribe to our FREE monthly newsletter today!

While you are waiting for your Chihuahua to be chosen as our Chi of the Month:


Be sure to follow us on Social Media!

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