Chi of the Month — October 2022

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Our October Chi of the Month is Enos!

It’s here! Meet our October 2022 Chi of the Month! You’ll fall in love with this little cutie, so keep reading!

Look, Mom! I’m a supawrstar! 🌟

Enos, our October 2022 Chi of the Month belongs to Summer Gross from Lincolnton, NC, USA

Here is What Summer Told ChiChis And Me About Enos:

“He loves playing with all kinds of toys. He just turned 6 months, but he is a very spunky little puppy. He was the runt out of the litter, he was so tiny! He’s so smart he has learned to use his paws as tools to hold things. He is so tiny but has the bark of a big dog. He is truly the light of our lives. He always makes us smile!”

From ChiChis And Me:

What a beautiful boy! I thank you, Summer for being so patient! It can take a couple of years to show up here in our “Chi of the Month” because there are only 12 months in a year and we get many photos. Enos is definitely a very handsome boy!  😊

Congratulations! Enos and Summer! for being our October 2022 Chi of the Month Winners! Undoubtedly, Enos is the most handsome little man! Again, thank you so much, for sending us a photo of your beautiful pup so we could share it with everyone!

Enos will be featured in our October 2022 Newsletter, but that’s not all!

In addition, his photo will be posted on all our social media for all the world to admire! Our website, social media, and newsletter subscribers are viewed by thousands from all over the world, he is truly a suparwstar! Watch out for the puparazzi, Enost! Also be sure to like and congratulate little Enos and his mom in a comment below and in a comment on his official photo on our Facebook page, and on our Instagram page, Leave a comment on his hall of fame page on our website too!

Your Photos Do NOT need to be professional, but having professional photos of your Chihuahua will last forever and give you lasting memories.

Look for Enos Official Facebook and Instagram posts and 👍 like it!

About Our Chi of the Month Contest:

Our Chi of the Month contest is not really a contest at all! Every photo sent to us will be a winner. However, we get so many entries each day and there are only 12 months in a year, you may have to be patient before you will see your beautiful Chihuahua featured as our Chi of the Month. In addition, it can take a year or more to appear here, so keep coming back and checking, or subscribe to our Newsletter, because everyone is a winner! When you submit your photo, don’t forget to enter your Facebook and/or Instagram on the form so we can tag you when yours is chosen!

Why Should You Enter Your Chihuahua In Our Chi of the Month Contest?

What all our Chi of the Month winners receive is: Your beautiful Chi is featured on his or her very own dedicated web page (like this one) for the whole world to see for years to come! In addition, his or her Photo will be prominently featured on our website’s home page for the entire month! Your Chi’s photo will be featured on our Facebook Page, also on our Instagram page (the total number of followers and visitors to our website is over 900k from all over the world!) for all the world to see and to show friends and family just how amazing she or he is!

Our Chi of the Month will also be featured in our monthly newsletter where subscribers all over the world will see and admire your adorable Chihuahua! So be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter so you won’t miss your Chihuahua being featured. When you subscribe you will receive exclusive Chihuahua information every month.



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