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You’ve probably heard the terms apple head and deer head to describe Chihuahuas, but have you ever heard of a pear head Chihuahua? You may wonder if they are a different breed of Chihuahua. And, how can you tell which type YOUR Chi is?


So let’s say you just got a Chihuahua. Congratulations! In my humble opinion, you couldn’t have chosen a better breed. I now have four, and when I got my very first Chi, I wondered this very question. Which is mine? Apple or Deer head?

I found lots of information and explanations, but it was confusing and remained a mystery to me for a very long time. However, I have since done lots of research on the Chihuahua breed and am even considered a Chihuahua expert now.

Then I thought, if I was confused, then I’m sure others probably are too. I’m going to share with you once and for all exactly how to tell the difference! When explaining the difference, you always hear it’s the “shape of the skull”. That is true, however, that is just a small part of the difference.

My Pebbles’ skull is rounded. Many people have said she is an apple head Chihuahua. At the end of this post, you tell me which my Pebbles is in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Is Pebbles an apple head or a deer head Chihuahua. At the end of this post tell me if you were correct or not.

What is an apple head Chihuahua?

The apple head Chihuahua is the only type recognized in dog shows and by the American Kennel Club. This is because the apple head shape is the actual authentic head formation of the Chihuahua breed.

That is for AKC dog shows, however, that does not meant that deer head Chihuahuas are not pure-bred Chihuahuas. They simply are not allowed to show in a ring as the “ideal” of the Chihuahua breed.

apple head chihuahua, a cream colored apple head chihuahua facing sideways
A beautiful cream apple-head Chihuahua

This type is obviously called an apple head because of its apple shape. The shape of the head is well-rounded and domed. They also have big eyes a less prominent snout and a more compact and sturdy body, than the deer head Chi.

What is a Deer-Head Chihuahua?

The deer head is called that because instead of being well-rounded and domed, their skull is shaped more like a deer’s head. Their head is a little more sloped and their snouts are generally longer and narrower. Their bodies are usually taller and thinner.

a apple head chihuahua, this is a short coated tan and white deer head chihuahua with head turned sideways
A beautiful tan and white deer-head Chihuahua

This type of Chihuahua is still a Chihuahua and is generally preferred by pet owners. They are also usually are healthier and have fewer genetic issues.

More Than The Shape of the Skull

To tell the difference for sure, you have to also consider the entire body. Below is a picture of Chico (now deceased) and one of my Cora. Both are black and white Chihuahuas. Cora is a long-haired and Chico is a short-haired Chihuahua.

I chose these two photos so you can see their whole bodies and not just the skull. Can you guess which is a deer head and which is an apple head? These are the differences:

Deer Head

  • Skull may be rounded and shaped like a deer’s head
  • Ears are longer
  • Distance between forehead and nose is approximately a 90-degree angle
  • Body is longer
  • Legs are longer
  • Paws are smaller

Apple Head

  • Skull is round and shaped like an apple
  • Ears are shorter
  • Distance between forehead and nose is approximately a 45-degree angle
  • The body is shorter and sturdier
  • Legs are short
  • Paws are wider

Now look at the above photos of my dogs. Now that you know what to look for, it’s pretty obvious that Chico is a deer head and Cora is an apple head Chihuahua.

You have to take all of these things into consideration to tell the difference for sure. I once had someone tell me that he had an apple head, deer-legged Chihuahua. What he actually had was a deer head with a rounded skull.

We are also talking about a pure-bred Chihuahua. A mixed breed Chi could have more than one of the above traits if one of the parents was a pure-bred Chihuahua.

What is a pear head Chihuahua?

This type of Chihuahua is much less common and generally “undesired” (not my wording). I had never heard of this type of Chihuahua until recently when I talked to some veterinarians and breeders, and I venture to say that most people probably haven’t either.

apple head chihuahua, this is a tan pear head chihuahua lying on a beach facing the camera
A beautiful pear-head Chihuahua. Notice the flatter skull and larger size (and yes, this Chi is over-weight too)

The pear head is similar to the deer head except the head is more – you guessed it, more pear-shaped, and often the skull is flatter. They are usually larger than the deer head. The pear head shape often happens when a breeder breeds an apple head with a deer head Chihuahua.

Whether they are an apple head, a deer head, or a pear head they are still a Chihuahua. There is only one breed of Chihuahua and two main types.

My Remedy Jane

Look at the above photo of my Remedy Jane. What would you say she is? You could say she was a deer head and you would be half right. Remedy is a blue merle pear head Chihuahua. A beautiful one, I might add. 🙂

How about Teacup, micro, or toy Chihuahua? Well, that’s another post. Read it here:

Please, let me know in the comment section below, if this article was helpful and what type YOUR Chihuahua is.

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Mark Calleja
Mark Calleja
1 year ago

Not sure what type of chihuahua our Rex is ,, any ideas please.
many thanks

2 years ago

Pebbles is a deer head my 8 week old chihuahua is shaded like pebbles but different color

2 years ago

Yes it can be confusing , knowing the difference between the apple head and the apple head I had a apple head chihuahua years back and do prefer Apple head Couldn’t pass offer but had a chihuahua 8 weeks old giving too me and it is confusing I do believe this one that was giving too me is deer head she is brown color long legs wide feet eyes a little bulgy but not bad long ears so I’m assuming She is deer head her head too me is shaped nothing like the apple head chihuahua I had years back

4 years ago

I have an Apple head chi. He also has really long legs, tri color(blue/grey, white, tan) and is actually super friendly. Is there such a thing as a deer legged or long leg chihuahua?

Victor VanMeer
Victor VanMeer
4 years ago

Very helpfull found out I have a deer head not apple head. We bought from some Spanish speaking people and until now didn’t know. Would share a picture if I knew how.

Lori Walker
Lori Walker
4 years ago

I am not sure if my puppy is deer or pear headed bit why are pear “not preferred”? Is is simply an esthetic thing or are there health issues?

Vickie Hedges
Vickie Hedges
4 years ago

I have a deerhead,his name is oliver

5 years ago

I have two remaining chihuahuas. One is a deer head and the other a pear head from looking at above pics and descriptions.

6 years ago

I found it useful BUT i wanted the info on tea cup/miniature and it did say click on the link for more info on tea cup chihuahua but when I clicked on it it took me to why dogs eat there own poo lol and said nothing about tea cups

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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