Cheaper Gas Across The Street?

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Here is a bit of Chihuahua news that might give you a chuckle. You really can’t make this stuff up!

A Chihuahua Cuckle News Story

Apparently a little 5 lbs Chihuahua was trying to save his owners some money — perhaps he thought they might spend the extra dough on toys for him — and decided that since he couldn’t talk and tell them it was cheaper across the street, he’d just show them!

chihuahua chuckle, chi in car and the gas station across the street
This little Chi decided that gas was cheaper across the street

“According to officials, a couple was pumping gas at a station on Gause Boulevard when their 5-pound chihuahua, who stayed inside the vehicle, managed to put the SUV into reverse.”

The car rolled across a four-lane street and came to rest at the gas station across the street. Thankfully there were no injuries except for minor injuries that the owner incurred while chasing the run-a-way car.

Wow! Close call, little one!

The Chihuahua’s name and the name of the owners were not released to the public. All this took place in Slidell, LA, according to the Slidell police.

I always knew that Chihuahuas are smart, but this Chihuahua news story takes the cake. How sweet of him to want to save his owners some money! Chuckle, Chuckle

Good Job! Little Chi, whoever you are!

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