The Following is A List of Chihuahua Rescue Organizations Where You Just Might Find The Perfect Match For You

Although I advocate for Chihuahuas and try to help as many Chihuahua rescue organizations as possible. Rescue in itself is not the purpose of ChiChis And Me.

ChiChis And Me is NOT a breeder. There are many responsible and ethical breeders who do it as a hobby and because they love the breed. So if you are looking for a purebred Chihuahua, please first read: Is It Wrong To Adopt A Purebred Puppy? and 10 Questions To Ask A Breeder Before You Adopt.

The purpose of ChiChis And Me is to help educate Chihuahua owners and anyone that wants to know, to better understand the Chihuahua breed and their unique needs. What specifically Chihuahuas need as far as health care, nutrition, training, and behavior.

ChiChis And Me is the one place you can go for Chihuahua information that you can trust to be accurate and beneficial.

For More Information About Who We Are And Our Mission, Please See Our ABOUT Page.

is adopting a chihuahua from a rescue right for you?

Below you will find a list of Chihuahua organizations that can help you find the perfect Chihuahua companion for you. (to skip article, scroll to bottom of page fro the list) But, first, there are a few things to consider before you decide to adopt.

A dog can be many things. A dog can be your best buddy, your exercise partner, loving companion, and very best friend and comforter.  But dog ownership is a lot of work. A dog requires time and money.

3 older rescued chihuahuas
Chihuahuas in need pull at our heart strings, but before you adopt there are things to conider first

Adopting a dog of any breed is not something to take lightly. A dog (or any pet, for that matter) is a living breathing thing that is totally dependent on you for his/her health and welfare. It is a commitment that will last their whole lifetime. Here are a few things to carefully consider before adopting a dog, especially a rescue dog.

time commitment

Remember, puppies, just as human babies need a lot of your time and attention. It will take many hours each day to train and exercise your puppy. But all that time and attention will pay off in the long run.

If you adopt and adult or senior Chihuahua remember that they have history. Some come with what you might call “baggage” or unwanted habits or behaviors. They may have come from an unhappy situation. They may have been passed around to several different owners or foster homes. This comes with it’s own set of possible issues. 

Your newly adopted Chihuahua will also need lots of attention and playtime from you. You can’t go to works and leave them alone (crated or otherwise) for long periods of time. 

They will need exercise and walks that will take time from your daily routine. 

Chihuahua puppies need training and adult rescues may need re-training to correct bad behaviors


There are many types of grooming that are absolutely necessary to keep your new dog healthy and happy. Dogs need regular brushing, nail clipping bathing, and teeth cleaning.

You may be able to do these things yourself and save money, but they will still need regular dental checkups.

Long-haired Chihuahuas need regular trimming of the fur. 

Your Chihuahua will need regular grooming

health and expenses

According to the ASPCA, we spend more than $1,000 annually on veterinary expenses. There is spaying or neutering, and annual vaccinations. We already mentioned dental exams. Dogs also do get sick from time to time, and no matter how careful you may be, they also have accidents, so you have to consider that. In 2018 Americans alone spent over 18 Billion dollars on vet care. That does not include pet products, food, etc.

The Cost of Veterinariay Care Should Be Considered

Chihuahuas are prone to knee problems because of their small stature. My little one had a patella that slipped and was very painful for her. She had surgery on both knees to correct it. My veterinarian told me that small dogs are more prone to this type of problem. Because their bones are so tiny they are also prone to broken bones.

There are other diseases and health issues that Chihuahuas are prone to. See our articles about Chihuahua health HERE.

OTHER consideraions and EXPENSES

As you can see there is a lot to consider that you don’t always think about when looking at that sweet little face with the big black eyes. But there is much more than already mentioned.

Dogs need socialization, not just with you or your family, but with children, other dogs, and cats.

Your freedom will be limited. Thankfully more and more airlines and hotels are recognizing the need to include their guest’s four-legged family members and you can take them with you to many places, but not all. Chihuahuas do make excellent travel companions. 

Other expenses include food, toys, treats, beds, crates, and more.

busting the shelter dog myths

  1. You CAN find purebred Chihuahuas for adoption in an animal shelter or rescue group.
  2. Chihuahuas and Chihuahua puppies for adoption are NOT in any way inferior to or different from those for sale.
  3. The dogs in the shelter are NOT there because they’re bad dogs.
  4. If you want a puppy, you DON’T have to BUY a Chihuahua puppy.  Rescued Chihuahua puppies ARE available for adoption.
  5. If you have children, adopting an adult dog is likely the SAFEST option. But Children and Chihuahuas can live in harmony together.

our list of chihuahua rescue organizations

Chihuahua Rescue & Transport (CRT) is a national foster-based rescue group that places Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes in approved homes.  Our purpose is to extend public education and awareness regarding abuse and neglect.  We have placed hundreds of Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes in approved homes.  CRT requires an application, vet check, reference check, and home visit for each adopter.

If you wish to you can also donate to help care for their little ones’ needs, and volunteer as a foster or transporter! 

 Chihuahua-Toy Breed Rescue & Retirement – Florida Chapter

We are a small and passionate rescue group in South Florida. We are all nonprofit and all volunteer. We began about 3 years ago and since then we have rescued over 300 loving little friends! We do this for all the animals that need a loving heart, open arms, a tender touch, and medical care and treatment until they are healthy and ready for their own forever home.

Because we are all-volunteer, please be patient when you call or submit your application. It may take us up to 4 days to get back to you but we will contact you by phone or email.

We adopt out to the tri-state area of Florida, Alabama, and Georgia but you will have to drive to where the foster home is located for the first meeting with the pet or pets and our volunteers.

Chihuahua Rescue-RescueMe

Here you can find Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes in shelters and foster homes of any size, and color. Long-haired and Short-haired in any state of the US. 

Tiny Dog Rescue

We rescue tiny dogs under 5 lbs, many of which are chihuahuas. We are located in northwest Washington, but we consider adopting to out of state individuals upon approval.

Harley’s Dream

My dream is that someday there will be no need for rescue organizations except for a few special cases. For instance when a pet owner dies or must move and they can’t have pets in their new place. My very special dream is that there will be no more puppy mills!

Harley’s Dream is that all puppy mills will be shut down for good. Harley was a puppy mill Chihuahua and has passed away, but his dream continues. If you would like to help support Harley’s Dream, click the button to learn more about Harley and how his work is continuing without him.


Not all ads on this page (or website) are endorsed by me. Specifically PetLand. Despite what they may tell you, PetLand gets their puppies from puppy mills.


on guard!

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