Fall & winter is when people begin to think about how warm their Chihuahua is. But, keep reading to learn why you should be concerned about how warm they are all year long.
What’s The Temperature Where You Live?
If you are lucky enough to live in sunny California or somewhere else where it never gets below 50 degrees even in the winter, you probably won’t have to wonder; is your Chihuahua warm enough when you are outdoors? But, in my part of the world, it gets pretty darn cold in the winter. As I write this it is 25 degrees outside with a “feels like” temperature of 20 and freezing rain expected today and tomorrow.
Here are some tips for keeping your pooch warm and comfy when it’s too cold for any mammal to be outside. Chihuahuas are especially susceptible to cold weather.
Wellness First
First things first. Has your Chi had his wellness exam with the vet? You should have them checked at least once a year (twice is better) to look for any problems that may be preventable.

When the weather is very cold it can make some medical conditions worse, arthritis being the first one that comes to my mind. Your vet can help suggest things that can help keep him/her more comfortable during cold weather.
Know Their Limits
It’s true that long-haired Chis don’t get cold as quickly as the short-haired variety, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get cold. I think sometimes we mistakenly assume that since dogs have fur, they’re not as susceptible to the cold as people. That may be true of dogs with coarse, dense coats that are meant for very cold temperatures, but not so for Chihuahuas and other small dogs.
What About Indoors?
Besides that, Chihuahua’s are close to the ground and it’s colder down there (remember from science class, cold air falls?). If your dog has diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or hormonal imbalances it may be harder for their little bodies to regulate their body temperature. The same is true for very young pups and our senior dogs.
Besides that, Chihuahua’s are close to the ground and it’s colder down there (remember from science class, cold air falls?). If your dog has diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or hormonal imbalances it may be harder for their little bodies to regulate their body temperature. The same is true for very young pups and our senior dogs.
Does Your Chihuahua Hate To Wear Sweaters?
Anything new is scary to Chihuahuas. You can gradually introduce them to the concept and any Chihuahua can learn to enjoy wearing them.
So, it’s nice and warm, even hot outside do I still need to worry; is my Chihuahua warm enough? The answer is; if the air-conditioner is running, maybe so. A Chihuahua’s body temperature is not the same as ours and they don’t regulate body temperature as well as we do. So, even though you may be comfy, your poor dog may be very cold.
Provide Warm Resting Places
Your Chi may look for a warmer place to sleep during the day, make sure they have that choice. Provide places they can rest that are warm and cozy. Dogs like to burrow under things, especially when they are cold. Make sure they have a comfortable bed with a blanket or one they can burrow into.

Cherry Bones Microvelvet Donut
A bolster bed creates a sense of security, soft, warm, 100% high memory foam, inner pad washable

Whisper Bed Carnation Pink
Luxurious, high quality, soft, and warm. A matching blanket is available
Stay Inside
Chihuahuas belong in the house. Never leave your Chi outside. Go out with them when they potty so you know they’re not out too long. As I said before, they are closer to the ground, so it’s always a good idea to have a couple of sweaters on hand and a coat when you take them out.
They still need exercise, so find ways to keep them engaged and active even when it’s too cold to play or go for a walk outside.