Finding a veterinarian near where you live may not be as easy as you may think. In this article, we will discuss what you need to look for to find a good veterinarian that is just right for you and your Chihuahua.
Question from reader:
I recently received a very good question from a reader. She said she had just moved and wanted to know if I could recommend a good veterinarian in her area.
I appreciate all the comments and questions that I receive, but this one had me asking myself, “Why haven’t I posted information on this before?” So thank you dear reader (you know who you are) and here’s your answer. I hope it helps others in a similar situation too.
Even if you aren’t looking for the right veterinarian right now, you never know when you may need a second opinion from a veterinarian other than your own. There are lots of reasons you may be looking for a veterinarian in the future. So, bookmark this page for future reference!

looking for a new veterinarian
So, now you’re wondering “where do I start”? How do I find the right veterinarian near where I live?
There is a lot to think about when trying to decide on the right veterinarian and it can seem like an overwhelming process. ChiChis And Me is here to help. The following are tips and steps to finding the right veterinarian for you and your beloved dog.
where to start
Ask around. Ask at church, in the neighborhood, and ask your friends who they would recommend. Ask people you meet when walking your dog or visiting the nearest pet store. Most pet pawrents are happy to help their fellow pet lovers.
Is there a veterinarian program at a university near you? They are familiar with the veterinarians in the area. Call and ask them who they would recommend.
Once you get a few suggestions, here is a list of what to do next:
- Check out the office
- Consider the cost
- Learn about the staff
- Is the vet familiar with small breed dogs?

Check Out The Office:
Are they swamped? Busy is usually better. It means they have a lot of happy clients and patients. I can tell you from experience that this is true. All the veterinarians and staff where I worked are caring and friendly people. Word spreads and as a result, our office is one of the busiest in our area and beyond.
However, we were a “walk in” hospital. That means anyone can show up anytime and it’s first come, first serve.
That is not the case with all veterinarian clinics and hospitals. Some insist that you make an appointment.
So, which is best? That’s up to you. If it is a walk-in hospital the wait will be considerably longer each visit. On the other hand, if you make an appointment you should be seen at the specified time.
Consider The Cost:
When finding the right veterinarian, cost is of the upmost importance! You and I both know how very expensive a visit to the vet can be. Before you commit, don’t be afraid to ask about their prices, what they are, how they accept payment or if they will split payments. Ask if they have a credit line. Do they accept the pet insurance that you have, if you have insurance? See: 5 Ways to Save Hundreds of $$$ on Veterinarian Bills.

When trying to find the right veterinarian for you, learn About The Staff:
When looking to find the right veterinarian, the office and the staff are equally important. Call, ask questions. Are the people who answer the phone friendly? Helpful? Do they answer your question to your satisfaction or connect you to someone who can?
The doctors are busy, but they should be willing to return your call if you have a specific question for them. When you visit the office, talk to as many of the staff as possible, from receptionists to the check-out personnel. Will they give you a tour of their facility? If your pet has to stay overnight, can you visit?
Remember, the “staff” includes vet techs that will be interacting with your Chihuahua when in the “dreaded back room” where you aren’t allowed. Get to know as many as you can. There are those that are always kind and gentle with the pets in their care and sadly, there are those that are not so much.
Is The Veterinarian One Who Is Like-Minded?
There are a few what might be called “controversial” topics regarding pet care. They include things like euthanasia, cancer care, chronic disease planning, spaying, and neutering, and even vaccines.
Don’t be afraid to ask the doctor about his pet-care philosophies. Have in mind your own principles and overall ethics and ask the doctor and staff what they think.
Having a like-minded vet can make all the difference in the world when making decisions about your beloved dog’s care.
Last, but not least, veterinarians are people and have their own “breed” preferences. Some vets prefer larger dog breeds, and some prefer smaller breed dogs. Ask your vet what pets he or she has at home. If they have a small breed dog you can imagine that they like small breed dogs. If they happen to have a Chihuahua, then you know they are going to treat yours just as they would their own. 😉
Is there a veterinarian program at a university near you? They are familiar with the veterinarians in the area. Call and ask them who they would recommend.
Don’t necessarily go by online reviews. They are not always truthful or accurate. Besides, the right veterinarian is not a one size fits all. What may be the perfect vet for one person may not be the right one for you and/or your dog.
These are all steps that you can take before you commit. So, you don’t have to go from one vet to another searching for the right one. Nor do you have to stick with the one you are not happy with. Just like a human doctor’s office, you can have all your pet’s health records transferred to the vet that is right for you and your dog.
I hope these suggestions will be helpful in deciding a very important part of your little one’s care. I wish you all health and happiness!
You are right about the staff. How they handle and explain thing to customers is one thing we should consider. It worked great when we tried.
Thank you for the kind words! ~ Linda