It’s summertime again! Your plans for this summer may be different because of the pandemic and all the travel restrictions, but you and your Chihuahua can still enjoy the summer together! Keeping your Chihuahua healthy and safe in the hot summer can be fun!
If you don’t now have a regular exercise routine for both you and your Chihuahua, this is the perfect time to start!
During this unique time in our history, if you are home all day, it is a good time to find an exercise you both enjoy and once you get into a routine of regular exercise it will become a habit and it will be easier to fit it into your schedule and continue when things get back to normal.
Hot Days of Summer
You can still be outdoors in the hot summer months. Swimming, hiking, going on long walks (even short ones are better than nothing), and playing fetch in the park. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
But, as always, safety should always come first! Dogs don’t regulate heat as we do. They don’t have sweat glands to cool down in the hot summer, they cool down through panting and through their paws. That is not a very efficient way to regulate body temperature.
For this reason, dogs are at greater risk of heat stroke than humans are. I just recently saw a dog that came into our veterinary hospital with heatstroke. It was so hard to watch that poor dog suffer, I could not go back to the treatment room. If I needed something, I asked someone to get it for me — I could never be a veterinarian!
It happens every summer. We see dogs come in with heatstroke all through the summer. People just don’t realize how easy it is for a dog to have heatstroke and how dangerous it is. (sadly, the dog mentioned above died).
I tell you this only to emphasize how important it is to keep your Chihuahua cool and hydrated this summer.
How to Safely Have Summer Fun-Time
The easiest and most common way to keep fit is daily walks. In the summer, reduce the length of walks and increase the frequency. This will allow your Chihuahua to get his needed daily exercise and have time to cool down and rest between walks.

Be sure not to forget the pavement. Put your hand palm down on the pavement for at least 5 seconds. If it is too hot for you to touch, it is too hot for your Chihuahua to walk on. Make sure that you have plenty of water with you on your walks. There are some really cute portable water bowls for dogs now.
hen temperatures are soaring, it might be best to walk either early morning or in the evening into the night. That is when your Whistle GO Explore Night Light comes in handy!
Swimming is a great way to keep fit this summer. It is low-impact which is great for older Chihuahuas as well as older humans. This is also a great way to help your Chi to lose weight if he or she is obese.
Remember not all dogs can swim! You can teach them to enjoy it by using conditioning training. Start by encouraging them to get their feet wet and give them lots of praise. Try getting them to play with a floating pool toy.

No access to a pool? Get a child’s wading pool — they make them specifically for dogs now too. Your Chihuahua can enjoy playing in the water while you relax and enjoy the great outdoors.
When your Chihuahua is relaxing after some splashing in the water he needs a bed that will circulate air for comfort and that helps keep them cool. A raised bed is a perfect outdoor bed for your Chihuahua. A raised bed has additional benefits for dogs with joint issues by taking the pressure off and reducing inflammation.
Diet And Nutrition
Keeping fit absolutely includes a healthy diet. It is equally as important as exercise to keep your Chihuahua fit and healthy this and every summer. Some foods can help keep your Chi cool. Proteins like cod, and rabbit can aid in keeping them cool.
Instead of giving them manufactured treats or — heaven forbid — hot dogs, give them healthy treats. Cucumber, watermelon, and apple are not only healthy treats, but they will help keep your Chihuahua hydrated, which is so important during the hot summer months.
If you haven’t tried feeding your Chihuahua fresh food, now is the time to do it! NomNom and ChiChis And Me is now offering 50% off your first order! You can cancel anytime. You can’t lose! And you won’t believe the difference in your Chihuahua’s coat, energy, and overall health in just one month! I know, my three absolutely love their NomNom!
Take a Hike!
Hiking provides optimum exercise benefits for your Chihuahua and for you. Hiking might be a little more strenuous, but it doesn’t have to be a looooong hike.
If you are fortunate enough to live close to forested trails, by all means, use them as they will provide plenty of shade while hiking. Dirt trails are also much cooler, but beyond that, they are easier on joints because the softer surface helps to absorb some of the pressure them.
A good hike provides optimum exercise that benefits both you and your pet. If you have forested trails near you, use them to seek shelter from the summer sun. Dirt trails are always cooler than pavement or asphalt, and they eliminate the risk of burning sensitive paw pads.
Again, make sure you have plenty of water for yourself and your Chihuahua. Have a doggie backpack with you for when your Chihuahua gets too tired. Remember their little legs are much shorter than yours and it takes more energy to keep up with your long strides.
Make sure that your Chihuahua is on a leash or if permitted to be on his or her own that you know at all times where your Chihuahua is! A great device that every hiker should have is the Whistle Go Explore, The Ultimate Health + Location Tracker for Pets.
Paws And Rejuvenate
Have you heard of goat yoga? Well, mover over goat yoga! Try pooch yoga. Keep an open mind and a sense of humor. You will surely reap the benefits and extra sloppy Chihuahua kisses when it’s too hot to be outside.
Watch How Nic & Pancho Do Yoga
Be Aware
Whatever you decide to do this summer always be mindful of the temperature and your Chihuahua’s current fitness level! One way to keep track of your Chihuahua’s fitness level is with Whistle Fit, Health + Fitness Tracker for Pets.

This awesome fitness tracker monitors:
- licking, scratching, and sleeping
- notifies you of any change in behavior patterns
- weekly wellness reports and stats
- will e-mail your vet 30-day health report
I guarantee that you will wonder what you ever did without it! A subscription is only $35.40 a year!