David Beckham’s Daughter-in-law Sues Groomer

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Nicola Peltz, 29 who is married to Brooklyn Beckham, son of David Beckham, is ready to sue a NewYork dog groomer. She says that while at the groomer her beloved Chihuahua Nala died suddenly.

According to the showbusiness website TMZ Nala had been taken to the groomer in upstate New York where she was then rushed to an emergency vet and died a few hours later.

“This has been the hardest month of my life,” Ms Peltz wrote on Instagram.

“I can’t even find the words to describe my heartbreak on so many levels. Nala was perfectly healthy when she went to the groomer yesterday but came out hyperventilating and couldn’t catch her breath.

“We rushed her to the vet and she passed hours later. I’m sharing this in hopes that it might prevent this from happening to other dogs.

“Her life was taken away from her way too soon. She was my beautiful queen and stayed by my side for nine years through everything.

“Please be careful who you send your dogs to because you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. One day without Nala on earth feels like an eternity.” (following photo from Instagram)

This is such a sad story, however, sadly not uncommon. If you take your Chihuahua to the groomer, please make sure you know that groomer well. Look for reviews, ask friends and family if they have used that groomer before and what they thought of him/her.

here are 10 questions to ask before you hand over your beloved chihuahua to any protential groomer:

Some of us are not naturally assertive or confrontational and hesitate to ask questions, but you have a right to ask these questions and if they don’t like it, find another groomer!

Remember that your Chihuahua’s life is literally in their hands while there.

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