Diabetes And Your Chihuahua, How Much Do You Know?

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Diabetes in Chihuahuas can be a devastating diagnosis. November is pet diabetes month. But, you should know what it is, what to look for, and treatment all year long so you will be able to spot signs and symptoms early. The earlier diagnosed and treated the better. If not monitored and treated diabetes can be fatal.

The type of diabetes that dogs get most often is Diabetes mellitus also known as sugar disease. It is actually a metabolism disease. Metabolism is how the body converts food to energy.

How Does Metabolism Work?

For the body to convert the nutrients into energy involves two things:

Glucose is essential to fuel the body. When your Chi digests his food the body breaks down some of those nutrients into glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar that is vitally needed to fuel and energize cells and organs. It is absorbed from the intestines into the blood and is then transported throughout the body. This is what gives your Chihuahua the energy his body needs to function and to do what all dogs do.

obesity can cause diabetes in chihuahuas. photo of obese chihuahua with a female veterinarian with x-ray in the background
Obesity puts your Chihuahua at greater risk of diabetes

Insulin is a hormone that the pancreas releases as the nutrients are being converted to energy. Insulin tells the cells to grab glucose and other nutrients from the bloodstream and to use it as fuel.

What Is Diabetes In Chihuahuas?

If there is a disconnect between these two body functions within the body it causes or develops as diabetes. Dogs can have two types of diabetes.

  • Insulin resistant
  • Insulin deficiency

With insulin resistant diabetes, the pancreas is producing some insulin but the dog’s body is not using to as it should.

Insulin deficeiency diabetes is when the dog’s body isn’t producing enough insulin.

Much damage can be caused by diabetes. When diabetes develops the cells are starved for the “fuel” they need to function properly. When this happens the bodies response is to break down it’s own fats and proteins to use as fuel instead.

diabetes in chihuahuas can cause cataracts and blindness. photo of tan chihuahua that is blind
Diabetes can cause cataracts and lead to blindness

Without insulin to help convert the glucose in the bloodstream high levels of glucose build up in the bloodstream. This is abnormal blood and actually acts as a poison which eventually causes great damage to the organs. These organs include kidneys, eyes, heart, blood vessels, and nerves.

Early Signs Of Diabetes In Chihuahuas:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Weight loss
  • Increased appetite

If you notice any of these signs in your Chihuahua, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Your veterinarian can determine whether your Chihuahua has diabetes by some simple blood tests. The sooner it is caught and treatment begins the better chance your Chihuahua has of a normal life.

More advanced signs include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of energy
  • Depressed attitude
  • Vomiting

When diabetes is left untreated and allowed to continue wreaking havoc on the body it has devastating results on your Chihuahua’s health and life.

What Are Some Risk Factors?

  • Age. Diabetes can occur at any age, it occurs more often, however, in middle-aged to senior Chihuahuas. Most Chihuahuas are over 5 years of age when it occurs.
  • Gender. If your female Chihuahua is not spayed she is twice as likely to have diabetes than males.
  • Chronic Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas, when it happens often can eventually cause damage to that organ and results in diabetes.
  • Obesity. Obesity contributes to insulin-resistant diabetes.
  • Steroid Medications. If used long-term they can cause diabetes.
  • Cushing’s disease. Cushing’s disease causes the body to overproduce steroids internally and this can also cause diabetes.
  • Autoimmune Disorders. Viral diseases are thought to also trigger diabetes.
  • Genetics. According to a study done in 2003 mixed breeds are just as prone to diabetes as pure-bred dogs. Among purebreds Chihuahuas are not considered high on the list of susceptibility, however, Chihuahuas can and do get diabetes.


Diabetes can be life-threatening if not treated early enough. So watch for the above early signs of the disease. Have you noticed that your Chi is drinking a lot more water than usual? Does he or she seem to go outside to pee more often than usual? Has he or she lost weight lately for seemingly no reason? Has his or her appetite increased?

You know your Chihuahua and his or her habits better than anyone. You are your Chihuahua’s best health advocate. So don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian if you suspect that they may have diabetes.

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