Dominance VS Positive Reinforcement Training
There is a great debate among dog trainers and dog owners alike about what method is best to use to train your dog. That debate is about dominance-based training vs positive reinforcement training.
Dominance Based Training
There are those that are adamant that the dominant, alpha dog approach is best. This method is based on the belief that dogs in the wild have always had a pack leader and that the other dogs in the pack submit to him. They claim that in a home, you must establish that you are the pack leader and assert dominance over your dog. This method often uses choke chains, shock collars, and what is known as “flooding”. That involves holding a dog down on his side or back until he submits to you.
Positive Reinforcement Training
There are also those that believe the positive reward-based method is the best. This method is based on the belief that dogs want to please and if you reward them for good behavior they will learn what they need to do to please you and that at some point they will no longer need a treat or reward to perform the desired behavior.

Some say they use a blended or balanced method to train their dogs. This method includes some of both types of training.
The New York dog trainer that trained Ronald Reagan’s dogs said he doesn’t believe in a one size fits all training method. He considers breed-specific behaviors when training dogs. For instance, was the dog bred to hunt, pull, fight, guard, or do they have a strong prey drive? He notes that it is important that the owner is a good leader.
which method should you use for your chihuahua?
Some argue that positive reinforcement training is often misused. It is true that some well-meaning dog owners take it to the extreme and praise their dog for doing anything that they believe is positive behavior.
They may praise him when he barks at the mailman for being a good watchdog. Or to stop the barking tell him to “calm down”, “stop barking”, “stop that infernal barking”, and other similar phrases. According to trainers on both sides using too many words becomes meaningless to the dog and confuses him. As I’ve said many times, training is very important for raising a healthy and happy Chihuahua.

The problem lies in when and how to treat your Chihuahua. When you are training, using positive reinforcement does not mean treating every single time! Instead, give him a treat when he gets it right the first few times. Once he begins to get the idea, begin hiding the treat behind your back or in a closed fist. The next time instead of a treat praise him and give him pats and pets while in a high-pitched voice telling him “good boy” or “girl”.
Then give him a treat the next few times he gets it right. The trick (pun intended) 🙂 is to mix it up. Keep him guessing whether he will get a treat or not. Eventually, he will obey the command each and every time not knowing whether he will get a treat or not.
disciplining your chihuahua for bad behavior
What does it mean to discipline a dog? Some may think of “popping” them on the nose … or just telling them “No” in a firm voice. But, do those methods work? The dictionary defines discipline this way: “to train or teach by instruction …
So, when you discipline your Chihuahua you want to teach or train them. Old fashioned ways such as “showing them who is boss” by hitting, slapping, “popping on the nose or restraining them on their side or back doesn’t “teach” them anything except maybe to fear and distrust you.
Dominance-based training methods are outdated. Not all trainers have kept up with the changes in dog training and humane treatment. So, if you are looking for a trainer, make sure that they only use positive reinforcement training and that they are certified in the currently recommended training methods.
How do I know? Just recently I was driving by a local veterinary clinic where a trainer was conducting a training session in the parking lot after hours. Out of curiosity, I pulled over to watch. They were teaching their dogs to “sit” on command. A Doberman in the class just wasn’t getting it. So the trainer walked over to the dog picked it up by the leash (no halter, by the way), and yanked hard on it jerking the dog up until he put his butt on the ground. I was horrified!
It should be noted too that the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior says they are concerned about training programs based on dominance. That it can be ineffective and possibly dangerous, especially when done by an unskilled trainer. I personally believe that dominance-based training can be cruel and I personally would never train a dog that way, nor would I recommend it to anyone else.

How To Train a Chihuahua
Only $9.95
Anyone can teach you to train a dog, so why not let an expert in the Chihuahua breed teach you how to train a Chihuahua? What you’ll learn:
- How dog training methods elvolved
- Your job as a trainer
- What makes a good leader
- How to avoid common mistakes people make
- The mechanics of training
- How to string commands together
- How to use these skills in the real world
- How to use these skills to discourage aggression
I think Chihuahuas respond best to positive reinforcement. Who would want to dominate these tiny little loving dogs anyway? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.